WankzVR is a virtual reality content platform with many adult entertainment videos, similar to other typical adult entertainment websites, except that its content is based on virtual reality and is specially viewed through virtual reality heads.
Many people have realized that people's enthusiasm for VR has a niche market for the adult entertainment industry. However, due to the slower adoption rate of Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, which affects the appeal of content, most of them just put the VR movie on view. Experience is an expensive hobby, and only the most enthusiastic technology enthusiasts will use it.
Although we can watch adult entertainment content on current VR devices, this entertainment experience has not yet become mainstream, lacking a true content platform, and WankzVR hopes to change this.
According to informed sources, WankzVR is focusing on creating 1600P resolution HD+ output content, supporting stereoscopic 3D capabilities, and providing additional 3D effects, allowing viewers to perceive depth information, thereby improving the immersive feeling. For 180-degree head rotation, WankzVR also provides a 180 x 180 field of view. In addition, when viewing content, users can also enjoy binaural support for 3D sound effects.
As can be seen, WankzVR is trying to improve the fidelity of adult entertainment content.
This not only gives Gear VR users the opportunity to learn more about higher-end adult content designed specifically for head phones, but also means that Vive and Rift users can take full advantage of their high-end head-displays. The only thing missing is PlayStation VR... but it all depends on whether PSVR can access Wankz VR via PS4.
There are still some adult entertainment websites on the market that provide VR content to head-display users, but their users have not responded enthusiastically. The main reason is the lack of killer applications. If a site like WankzVR happens to be the killer app, it will be very interesting. According to Reason, Facebook had previously indicated that it did not want to support adult entertainment applications, software or media content on the Oculus Rift.