Intel’s recent moves in the area of ​​wearable devices can be quite a few. According to relevant foreign media reports, a few days ago, people familiar with the matter have revealed that Intel has purchased smart watch maker Basis for US$100 million or US$150 million. As for the Basis Health Traker Watch as the only product of Basis Science, the future trend is still unknown, and Intel has not made any response to this news.
Intel's action on wearable devices is very obvious. Wearing devices will gradually enter people's daily lives in the future, just like today's smart phones, becoming an indispensable electronic device in people's lives. Beginning in 2013, many manufacturers began to launch or start developing wearable products. As the world's largest semiconductor chip maker, Intel, it also has its own plans in the field of wearable devices.
CES showcases a variety of products. In the recent past, Intel has been very active in the field of wearable devices. At CES held in January this year, the company showed a number of wearable devices. In addition to the more traditional smart bracelets, Intel has also shown us a variety of products in terms of babycare and daily life.
In terms of wearable computing, last October Intel introduced the Quark SoC X1000, a chip module that is more suitable for the Internet of Things. Then Intel used the chip at CES 2014 to launch a "microcomputer" called Edison that was as big as an SD card. Its performance claims can reach the "Pentium" level.
The Intel Global Wearable Imagination Challenge was officially launched On February 24, the Intel Global Wearable Imagination Challenge was officially launched, and the winning combination of the winning prizes was up to $1.3 million. The event called on the world's most active connoisseurs, including China, to participate in the contest for the creation of the world’s most popular cutting-edge technology and the application of “wearable technology†in real life. , battery life, security and privacy protection, etc., to collaborate and expand on different types of ideas, so as to select the most innovative “wearable ideas†and product development design embryos in the future for the development of personal computing (technology) , and let these new technologies become a new starting point for improving people's daily life in the future.
Only from the above challenge the prize, we can see that Intel's investment in the development of wearable devices is still relatively large. And wearable in the future development trend is also increasingly clear.
Collaboration with Apple Earlier, Intel CEO Obrian Krzanich participated in the "Optional Question and Answer Session" on the Reddit social network. One user asked that since Apple began using Intel's processors in the Mac series about a decade ago, Intel Has the relationship with Apple changed?
Krzanich said: "We have always maintained a close working relationship with Apple, and the tightness has been increasing. Of course, since Apple began to use our technology in their products, the relationship between our two companies has been particularly enhanced."
And it was this answer that made many people feel that Intel will not cooperate with Apple in terms of wearables. In terms of wearable devices, Apple has been circulated for secretly developing iWatch smart watches. According to current reports on the Internet, Apple Smart Watch uses a 1.5-inch OLED display and ITO (Indium Tin Oxide Transparent Conductive) glass. In addition to receiving and making calls, it can also connect to the iPhone via Bluetooth and achieve Siri voice control. In addition, there are some self-made concept maps made by netizens, but there is no news as to which processor this product will carry. According to related media reports, Apple is likely to launch its own wearable products in 2014. As for the processor that will eventually be equipped with this product, let's let the facts speak.
In addition, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich revealed that he is using two wearable devices, one of which is still under development. Given that Intel is unlikely to launch a smart watch brand on its own, it would be a good idea to launch the product as a third-party company. At present, Samsung, LG and many other OEMs have already launched smart watches in the market. Even Google Inc., which focuses on software, is rumored to add smart watches to the Nexus product line.
Written at the end:
In addition to Intel, Apple, Google and other internationally renowned companies also have different degrees of development and investment in the wearable area. It is not the first time that mobile computing products have changed the way of life of humans. It is believed that wearable devices will bring us more surprises and changes.
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