A lot of friends may also want to remotely control the home HD player for download or other operations, but the home IP is not fixed, so we need a dynamic domain name to tell us in time how much the home IP, I use the 3322 dynamic domain name, Here is my way to share to everyone, this method is the original MSS when other players do, here thanks to the next big.
1. Set up the router at home to allow the ports required to remotely control the HDTV to open to the outside or set the HD IP to DMZ host.
2. To register an account, and set up a dynamic domain name of your own (this username and password and domain name will be used later)
HD machine settings:
After logging in to the HD machine with telnet, enter: vi /opt/etc/cron.d/3322 (this creates a new 3322 file in /opt/etc/cron.d)
Press the i key once to enter the edit mode and enter the following command:
/30 /opt/bin/curl -su username: password 'http://members.3322.org/dyndns/update?system=dyndns&hostname=domainname.3322.org' &> /dev/null &
The above line is best played on the computer, copying in more convenient
(1)/30 The meaning of this command is to run the IP address of the 3322 dynamic domain name every 30 minutes. If you want to update every 20 minutes, you must write: /20. If you want to update it every 5 minutes, you need to write / 5
(2) The following four numbers are shown from left to right: hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly
(3) The user name mentioned is the user name you registered on 3322. The domain name is generally the same as the user name, because an account can have up to three free domain names, so if you have more than one domain name, which one you want to use, Which one to fill in here?
(4) Note that the above command space is one, if more than one will not work properly, remember.
After finishing the modification, press ESC, then enter :wq, save the changes and exit the fifth step: type chmod +x /opt/etc/cron.d/3322 to make this script executable: Step 6: Type crontab /opt/ Etc/cron.d/3322
The meaning of this command is to plan the task according to the contents of 3322. Step 7: Enter crontab -l
You will find that the scheduled tasks have been added to restart your HD camera. Later, as long as the machine is turned on, the system will not submit your HD external network IP to the 3322. We just need to remember our domain name and we can access our home at any time. HD machine.
1. Set up the router at home to allow the ports required to remotely control the HDTV to open to the outside or set the HD IP to DMZ host.
2. To register an account, and set up a dynamic domain name of your own (this username and password and domain name will be used later)
HD machine settings:
After logging in to the HD machine with telnet, enter: vi /opt/etc/cron.d/3322 (this creates a new 3322 file in /opt/etc/cron.d)
Press the i key once to enter the edit mode and enter the following command:
/30 /opt/bin/curl -su username: password 'http://members.3322.org/dyndns/update?system=dyndns&hostname=domainname.3322.org' &> /dev/null &
The above line is best played on the computer, copying in more convenient
(1)/30 The meaning of this command is to run the IP address of the 3322 dynamic domain name every 30 minutes. If you want to update every 20 minutes, you must write: /20. If you want to update it every 5 minutes, you need to write / 5
(2) The following four numbers are shown from left to right: hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly
(3) The user name mentioned is the user name you registered on 3322. The domain name is generally the same as the user name, because an account can have up to three free domain names, so if you have more than one domain name, which one you want to use, Which one to fill in here?
(4) Note that the above command space is one, if more than one will not work properly, remember.
After finishing the modification, press ESC, then enter :wq, save the changes and exit the fifth step: type chmod +x /opt/etc/cron.d/3322 to make this script executable: Step 6: Type crontab /opt/ Etc/cron.d/3322
The meaning of this command is to plan the task according to the contents of 3322. Step 7: Enter crontab -l
You will find that the scheduled tasks have been added to restart your HD camera. Later, as long as the machine is turned on, the system will not submit your HD external network IP to the 3322. We just need to remember our domain name and we can access our home at any time. HD machine.