Verifier — is an innovative verification technology for any type of transaction, data transmission and activity. Verifier's speed, accuracy and security are provided by blockchain technology.
Verifier is an application for smartphones and tablets and a web version based on the Uber model, which is a service provided through direct transactions between customers and service providers. When it is necessary to confirm the identity or any facts, the system will randomly select the responsible agent (verifier) ​​who is going to the site and submit it for verification in the form of photos, videos and other materials.
Verifier allows you to accurately report or understand the occurrence/non-occurrence of certain events or the execution/non-action of any event. Delivering a package of suitable quality requires opening an account with a real customer's bank and checking it on the spot-thanks to the validator, you can check any facts with the help of a decentralized reliable staff.
The materials collected by the agent will be encrypted and the evidence formally requested will be sent via e-mail. The data with the protection key is sent through a series of module chains in the form of a hash. This ensures that the data content is not damaged or intercepted during transmission to relevant departments or individuals. Agents will get paid from related parties and can be anywhere in the world. The main tool of the proxy is the Internet. Is there a desire to avoid risks? You can delegate tasks to several independent agents at once.
Verifier is not only an application. Its potential as an open code solution is equally interesting. By embedding and modifying the Verifier code, you can expand and change the functions of the system to specific tasks and requirements.
swipeVerifier services are designed to meet the needs of two main markets-company-to-company (B2B) and person-to-person (P2P) verification services.
B2B-niche, corporate market.
The main customers are the financial departments of companies that need to comply with KYC procedures. These banks, exchanges, insurance companies and other companies and other clients who require financial and legal services for assets and mortgages and other corporate services.
P2P-mass market.Anyone can use it. Verifier can do this by downloading the app or visiting the website Every Internet user in the world will have unlimited remote experience and service opportunities, which in the past can only be used by large and medium-sized enterprises and individuals with high income levels.
Economic data1. Token description
The Verifier module service is based on the secure transmission of data within the system through the use of module chain technology. The issuance of tokens is intended to provide funding for the launch and further expansion of verification services. The funds raised will be used for the development of the Verifier system and for marketing to increase the audience of the project. In order to raise funds, the Verifier company issues Verifier Tokens, called VRF, which are smart contracts based on the Ethereum platform.
2. Token model
120 000 000 VRF tokens.
Token pricing: 1 token is equal to the minimum fee for verification application. 1 VRF = 0, 1 USD.
Token division and additional issuance: Technically speaking, using the existing data structure, VRF can be divided into the eighth decimal place, so 0.0001 VRF is currently the smallest number. If needed, the idea of ​​guaranteeing a smaller portion of the token may be practical in the future. No additional issuances are currently expected.
3. Earnings for token holders
The VRF token is intended to be used as a payment medium in the encryption system on the Verifier platform. Owners can pay for services in the system, sell tokens to other participants in the system, and exchange them for other cryptocurrencies. All operations performed through the tokens on the website are recorded on the blockchain through smart contracts.
The base price of the token is equal to the minimum cost of the rendering service, which is 0, 1 USD or 1VRF.
The increase in demand for VRF tokens is due to the increase in the number of transactions to purchase tokens in the system, and it continues to increase as the number of users in the system increases. The minimum cost of the service (static part) will remain at the same level.
Technical DescriptionVerifier is a software package designed to confirm the authenticity of data, events, documents and objects in the real world, using blockchain technology to verify the reliability of the transmitted data.
Structurally, Verifier consists of the following components (subsystems):
• Mobile application customers;
• Management and review system;
• Database;
• API for interaction between application and server;
• Local deployment module based on Ethereum, which contains a series of functions that may cause external calls
The developers of Verifier use the following toolset:
• Java — the server part of the development project. Java-based solutions form the basis of a large number of banking solutions. Using this programming language for development will enable us to optimize for a large number of transaction projects, and to further integrate with the banking system with minimal labor consumption.
• Objective C and Xcode — Native development environment for iOS.
• Java and Android SDK — Native development environment for Android.
• Angular and ReactJS — these frameworks will be used to create web applications.
The Verifier blockchain will be created through a branch of Ethereum and further create its own smart contract.
Technical realization of VRF tokenThe VRF token is compatible with the ERC20 standard and is based on the Ethereum blockchain system. Ethereum is most suitable for the Verifier system because it has become the first choice for the cryptocurrency industry to ensure transaction operations through the block system. ERC20 is the standard for Ethereum tokens, and the compatibility between ERC20 and the Ethereum system allows you to write smart contracts that provide secure and customizable encryption operations for the Verifier system corresponding to specific requirements, and It is easy to distribute tokens among members of society in a truly decentralized system.
As VRF tokens are heavily released on the Ethereum module platform, and VRF token project calculations need to be carried out in the private module:
• Public and private communities will not influence each other.
• The Ethereum public network is only used to send tokens.
• When sending VRF tokens to the wallet, it collects information about the Ethereum nodes deployed on the server and transmits it to the local module. This operation is performed through the function of receiving tokens on the wallet. Therefore, the user has an address for sending tokens and internal balance, reflecting the information in the private Verifier blockchain.
When tokens need to be sent for the completed work, the system will instruct the smart contract of Ethereum and send the required number of tokens to an external address.
1. Smart contract
The project implemented a set of smart contracts. These smart contracts are implemented in the following ways:
Calculate the hash value of a given string using SHA -256 and Stribog algorithm
• Save the summary calculation string to the cell
• Query (and return) the summary calculation string cell
In the first function, the smart contract uses SHA-256 and Stribog (All-Soviet National Standard P 34.11-2012) algorithm to hash the data. These algorithms are chosen as the encryption standard in the hash. The encryption function is one-way and does not provide reverse encryption. This implementation is only used to create a hash, which will later be used as evidence to verify the accuracy of the data transmitted based on the verification result, and evidence that the data provided by the parties in the disputed issue is consistent with the data transmitted by the Verifier system.
In the second function, the smart contract keeps the hash in the module after the hash of the first smart contract. The following hashing wants to confirm the validity of the data must be realized through this function.
The third smart contract has a dual function:
1. Receive the hash from the module in order to send the main transmission of the hash to the client, which can then be used to confirm the authenticity of the data.
2. Request data from the block when needed to provide it to the client.
2. Smart hosting
All funds raised during the initial launch are obtained through smart custodial services located in smart contracts that have been installed on the Ethereum blockchain.
Smart escrow is a tool that allows buyers who purchase tokens to vote to control the installment distribution of funds raised during the basic sale.
Only after the Verifier project team has confirmed the previous steps with the help of documents and roadmaps, each next phase of expenditure is possible.
Voting is realized in the personal accounts of VRF token holders. Voting continues within 24 hours from the beginning of the financing phase, and the results are stored in a smart contract. Holders of more than 30,000 VRF tokens in all accounts of VRF tokens have the right to vote.
The vote is considered successful when more than 51% of the participants vote in favor, and the vote will be passed to the Verifier team's wallet. If more than 49% cast negative votes, all funds on the smart contract will be distributed to token holders in proportion to the number of tokens.
3. Registration of Proxy Verifier
Private validatorAfter confirming the user's identity, create a new user with this role. After the user completes the questionnaire, an application for the account will be created. Each application is composed in the order of existing agents.
After passing the verification, the user is activated and can receive tasks in the system. In addition, after the user is authenticated, a separate secret wallet created for him can be called with the help of the Parity API.
The verifier is registered through a joint company
When a user registers for the business partner role of such a user, a separate web interface is created. In the interface, all users registered with this partner, statistics on tasks performed by them, and salary statistics are displayed.
A user in the role of a partner can independently change the percentage of expenses for each job that benefits from the company. Users who register through the personal account of the partnership company will receive the final remuneration or information about the funds deducted interest for the task.
When registering a user through the personal homepage of the partner company, the user does not need additional verification. The partner company is solely responsible for the reliability of the data provided.
All mutual settlements with proxy verifiers are in fiat currency and through the partner company’s account. In this case, all remuneration during the reporting period is aggregated and the total amount is sent to the counterparty’s account.
Users with the role of a partner company can decide to connect users or delete any previously connected users.
4. Data verification algorithm
After confirming that the application is validated, the server sends a JSON file to the mobile client, which contains information about the application and the form to be validated.
The mobile client creates two screens: the first displays the information of the application, and the second displays the form of data verification.
When the verification site reaches the verifier, the verifier presses the button to start verification. If the geographic location of the verifier is consistent with the geographic location specified in the application (assumed to be 200 meters), the application moves to the second screen. The verification form on the second screen is unique for each application. The form can contain instructions and a list of input validation fields.
After filling out the form, the data will be sent to the application server. On the server, the data hash is sent to the host, and the data is repackaged into the format chosen by the application author when it was created.
When a new task enters the system, the algorithm must select the agent located next to the verification object. If the task requires special abilities, then even if there are other agents near the facility, priority should be given to agents with this ability. After determining the list of potential agents from 10 positions, each of them will send push notifications containing task data.
The agent makes a decision in no more than two minutes. If no user responds to the request, the message is sent to a wider range of users again. In the absence of an agent with the required capabilities, the system must notify the customer that this operation cannot be performed, and provide to reset the application without specifying permissions.
After confirming the application, the verifier receives the order data in the form of a JSON file, which contains a list of fields and data types and information about the verification object.
Cooperation with external parties
There are two forms of communication with external transaction parties.
Use SFTP protocolUse SFTP protocol to exchange files in JSON format. The access to the FTP server for the data that needs to be processed is done from the bank side and the Verifier side at a specified frequency. The bank receives file data in JSON format from the specified directory on the FTP server. The response file name corresponds to the application number specified in the request file.
In this version, on the service verifier side, a RESTful API is implemented to directly access the bank through the HTTP protocol (GET/POST-query). Request/reply data-JSON target, encoding-UTF-8. The request/reply is assumed to be a flexible set of fields and depends on the specific query.
Type of blockchain used
1. Technology-Ethereum (Bitcoin 2.0)
2. Blockchain client-parity
3. Organizational unit-private (local (intranet) unit, not connected to global unit)
4. Mode of communication with unit — RPC, POST request
5. The way to execute logic at the cell terminal—smart contract
6. The writing language of smart contracts — Solidity
7. The number of user accounts is — 1, all requests are actually executed for a single user
8. (Used for smart contract work) The number of account systems is — 1, all logic is executed by the same smart contract using various methods
The interaction between the server part and the Ethereum blockchainIn order to communicate with the module, it is recommended to use a JSON-RPC client running on the HTTP protocol, such as web3j. This API implementation allows you to use smart contracts, wallets, transactions, etc. from native Java code.
1. Query and result form — applicaTIon/json
2. Code Exchange — utf-8
3. Logic execution method at the cell terminal — smart contract
4. The writing language of smart contracts — Solidity
5. The number of user accounts is — 1, all requests are actually executed for a single user
6. (Used for smart contract work) The number of account systems is one 1, and all the logic is executed by the same smart contract using various methods
7. The basic method used on the module side:
a. eth_accounts — Returns a list of active accounts of the current node of the host
b. eth_getBalance — Returns the balance of the selected account (in Ethereum)
c. eth_call — call smart contract method
d. eth_sendTransacTIon — the request to be executed in the calling unit
e. eth_getTransacTIonReceipt — call the request for transaction information
8. Methods executed within the framework of smart contracts:
a. getHash — SHA-256 method for HASH calculation of sent UTF-8 string
b. getHashGOST — HASH calculation of the transmitted UTF-8 string through the Stribog method (All-Soviet National Standard P 34.11-2012)
c. getSummaryRules — return the rules for generating the summary based on the source document
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