Model: Jetta GIX
Mileage: 5300 km
Symptom: When the light is turned on at night, the instrument light is on at the same time, and it suddenly goes out when driving.
Fault check: The service station of the car is the next morning. After picking up the car and making the order, it will enter the workshop. First, check the instrument lighting fuse and find that there is no ablation. Then measure the wiring harness of the instrument and the live line of the headlight switch. Turn on the headlight switch for the instrument to illuminate and find that the line has no electricity. Therefore, there are only two possibilities for judging that there is no electricity in this line: one is the damage of the headlight switch, and the other is the grounding short circuit of the instrument lighting harness. After the first change of the headlight switch, the meter is not lit, and the fault is not eliminated, which proves that the instrument harness is short-circuited to the ground. Where will it be shorted? First remove the instrument panel, and look for the presence or absence of the iron point from the instrument lighting harness at the headlight switch. When pulling the harness behind the instrument panel, the instrument lights are all lit, and there is a radio and air conditioning in the harness. The panel, then removed the CD player (the car modified CD) and found that a blue gray line instrument lighting line has been cut, and then carefully check, the broken line is the radio illuminating line, the line is wrapped, will After the removed parts are reinstalled, test the vehicle and troubleshoot.
Fault analysis: When the car is modified CD, because the CD internal lighting is controlled by the CD main fire line, that is, the CD light is on, and the headlight switch and the instrument lighting harness are not controlled, so the fault is caused by the instrument lighting harness. Sheared, not wrapped with insulating material, resulting in grounding, the instrument light is not bright. (Text / Yan Wentao)
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