[Abstract] The whole process of BeeHex printing pizzas can be done through smart phone applications. On the app, choose the pizza size, dough type, sauce, cheese, etc., and BeeHex can start working.
Tencent Digital wants to eat pizza. It usually takes 20 minutes to bake. There is no doubt that this is not in line with the American style of "food as simple as possible cooking."
Fortunately, Silicon Valley startups have recently developed a robotic BeeHex that can print out a pizza in 3 minutes using 3D printing technology. Are you not curious? Let's take a look.
The whole process of BeeHex printing pizzas can be done through a smart phone application. On the app, choose the pizza size, dough type, sauce, cheese, etc., and BeeHex can start working. All of these preparations were completed within 60 seconds. Immediately after the pizza was put into the oven, fresh and delicious pizza was baked in five minutes.
Of course, if you have your own thoughts and want to make pizzas artistic, you can also choose custom options in the app. Just upload the appropriate image and BeeHex will try to imitate a pizza that resembles a picture. Although not a perfect one, it's not hard to be a god.
BeeHex’s R&D team recently received US$125,000 in grants from NASA to continue R&D. Ultimately, NASA hopes the BeeHex robot can provide astronauts with more delicious sealed food in space.
The $125,000 is actually nothing more than icing on the cake. BeeHex's R&D team got $1 million in funding last month. It is reported that they will launch their first product in the near future: Chef 3D.
In other words, from the beginning of this year, Chef 3D will begin to appear in theme parks, gymnasiums, shops and other places. The R&D team pointed out that Chef 3D's work efficiency and cleanliness level are definitely higher than those of ordinary employees working in chain pizzerias.
Source: thenextweb
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