High brightness (HB) white LEDs (light emitting diodes) are rapidly replacing incandescent lamps in many home, institutional, government and industrial applications. In the past year, white LED lighting systems accounted for more than 50% of total lighting applications, eventually surpassing color LED applications, which are primarily driven by the aesthetic needs of color lighting. The new driving force for white LED lighting growth is quite simple: lower energy consumption results in much lower electricity bills.
In many cases, the higher efficiency of LEDs can reduce power consumption by up to 88%. They also greatly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions caused by power generation and transmission of electricity for lighting. According to the strategy of StrategiesUnlimited, the total high-brightness white LED lighting market is expected to exceed $5 billion by 2012, corresponding to a 28% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2009 to 2012. This is just the beginning, as LED lighting efficiency continues to accelerate the commercial/residential lighting market from incandescent, fluorescent and high-pressure sodium to high-bright white LEDs, and LEDs will become even more commercially from a commercial point of view. Cost-effectiveness.
According to some calculations, switching from traditional incandescent and fluorescent lamps to LED lighting can save up to 10% of current global energy consumption. As people accelerate their efforts to reduce the total carbon dioxide emissions from power generation, the potential for a 10% reduction in global lighting energy demand has greatly contributed to this shift.
What factors support such a huge growth potential? First, the current generation of LEDs is 10 times more luminous than incandescent lamps and more than twice as expensive as fluorescent lamps and high-pressure sodium lamps (HPS), greatly reducing the power necessary to provide the required light output (measured in lumens). As LEDs are further developed, their efficiency in power luminescence will continue to increase and is expected to double in the next few years.
Second, in a world that is very environmentally conscious, LED lighting does not require the handling, contact, and removal of toxic mercury vapors that are common in fluorescent lamps. Today's cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs) used in most residential lighting systems contain up to 5 mg of mercury, while larger lamps contain much more mercury!
Third, incandescent lamps need to be replaced every 1,000 hours, while fluorescent lamps can last up to 10,000 hours, compared to LEDs that last for more than 100,000 hours. In most applications, this allows the LED to be permanently embedded in the final application without the need for an attachment.
Examples include indoor and outdoor commercial and residential lighting such as streetlights, indoor and outdoor industrial lighting, and lighting in hazardous environments such as power plants and refineries. Some applications (such as refineries) run 24 hours a day, and LEDs will last for up to 11 years, which means they will never need to be replaced. In addition, LEDs are smaller and flatter than other types of illuminators and can be manufactured in very flat form factors so they can be permanently placed in internal and external applications.
The small size of the LED also enables the reflector placed in the LED housing to be made finer to focus the light more efficiently. White LEDs provide pure "full spectrum" white light with no gaps in the chromatogram, making it easy to see for tasks that require reliable visual acuity. For example, look at color-coded wires, read colored signs, or distinguish between smoke caused by water vapor and flame. Conversely, it can be difficult to accomplish the same task in an orange-yellow high-pressure sodium lighting environment because colors cannot be accurately distinguished in this lighting environment.
LEDs can also dim and turn on/off at much faster speeds than can be perceived by the human eye, which greatly reduces power consumption. LED lighting can be dimmed or disconnected until it is needed, and immediately turned on to maximum light intensity, while fluorescent or high pressure sodium lamps take up to 30 seconds or more to reach maximum light intensity.
However, one of the biggest challenges facing lighting system designers is how to optimize all the benefits of the latest generation of LEDs. Because LEDs typically require an accurate and efficient DC current source and a dimming method, LED driver ICs must be designed to meet these needs in a variety of applications. Power solutions must be efficient, rugged, very compact and cost effective. It can be shown that the fastest growing applications for driving lighting from incandescent, fluorescent and high-pressure sodium lighting arrays to LEDs will appear in general-purpose internal/external lighting applications because of the return on power savings in such applications. It is the biggest.
Benefits such as small size, long life, low power consumption, ease of dimming, and fast turn-on time have accelerated the adoption of high-brightness LEDs in many existing lighting applications, such as industrial and residential lighting. The long life and small size of LEDs make it possible to introduce new configurations in a variety of applications, including white LED arrays that provide illumination on the front of the refrigerator, and even more complex systems that illuminate the entire university campus. The picture below shows the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in New York, USA, which is completely illuminated by high-brightness LEDs. The high efficiency of LEDs greatly reduces the power required, and their long life and durability are especially important in relatively harsh marine environments.
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