OneLedger is an independent cross-ledger protocol that uses a sharding, customized and practical Byzantine fault-tolerant protocol solution to achieve superb performance. This solution is compatible with both public and private chains. By coupling the public key infrastructure PKI with identity management and nodes (including node operators), a predefined trust level will be generated, allowing them to participate in the consensus of the Wanjie Chain or any side chain. in. The Oneworld side chain can be synchronized with the current state of other networks (Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc.). Any cryptocurrency that supports Hash Time Lock (HTLC) and payment channels can be credited to the account or address on the Wanjie side chain, and the offline and off-chain transactions are passed to the Wanjie side chain for completion, thus realizing a kind of A solution with both scalability and transparency. Before the end user requests to withdraw their balance from the hash time lock address/account of the main chain to the address/account of their choice, any number of transactions between users can occur on the Oneworld side chain. In essence, Wanjie will provide scalable "off-chain" solutions in all main chains, and pass the consensus to the corresponding Wanjie sidechains, which contain all the features of the Wanjie protocol.
By using PKI role control, companies can also deploy their own private sidechains. Enterprises will be able to precisely define the roles of operators participating in their side chain nodes. In addition, by using Wanjie's unified framework, companies can use a code base to develop their distributed ledger technology applications, while releasing their products on multiple basic networks of their choice.
System functions
1. Intelligent identity management platform
Managing a public, anonymous, or other type of identity across multiple distributed networks can be achieved by assigning a set of master private key/public key pairs to an identity. This set of master key pairs can use the private key to digitally sign the message, thereby associating any other public key with this identity. Wanjie provides a universal identity solution to track user assets stored in multiple distributed databases. In addition, Wanjie provides a way for one identity to assign the'trust value' to another identity, thereby creating a hybrid decentralized "trust network" combined with PKI.
2. Blockchain service
With Wanjie, anyone can initiate a Wanjie consensus protocol running on the side chain. This side chain can be a public chain or a private chain. In the case of a private chain, users can use Wanjie’s intelligent identity management system to query identities with a specific level of trust and who provides the underlying network services, such as node operators storing or verifying distributed ledger books, and providing various These roles assign specific identities to maintain the side chain. In addition, any public distributed ledger, regardless of its consensus protocol, as long as it supports hash time-lock contracts and payment channels, can be synchronized with the corresponding Wanjie sidechain.
3. Chain code service
Generally, companies or individuals may wish to deploy dAPPs on multiple platforms. Therefore, developers must write and deploy smart contracts on each selected platform, and may need to use multiple languages. Wanjie is developing an SDK that can simplify the process of porting and deploying smart contracts on multiple platforms. Wanjie’s SDK will allow users to define a "master smart contract" that can compile the programming language used by the smart contract. Thus, developers can publish dAPPs on multiple platforms at the same time by specifying the required platform in the master smart contract.
4. Program interface
The main client interface is a REST API that allows applications to register users, query the blockchain, and initiate transactions. At the same time, it provides a set of APIs for chain nodes, which can directly interact with the stack to execute transactions and query transaction results.
The server-side programming interface is a business portal, users can easily build business models and functions, and integrate all the functions needed in the real world into the blockchain.
Wanjie Scalable Interface
We will develop a fast, secure, scalable and independent extensible interface that allows easy deployment of decentralized applications (DApps) and cross-ledger communications. At its core, the purpose of the expandable block link port is to effectively access and communicate across multiple ledgers.
World Structure
This decentralized framework changes the way applications are built by finally organically unifying the real world and the blockchain world.
1. Wanjie Business Center
Wanjie will develop tools in the business portal so that users with any degree of blockchain experience can apply their industry experience to the blockchain, generate chain codes through the modules defined by the developers, and use them in The entire process can be traced back to the execution process. The extensible Wanjie API will help transform business models into blockchain applications through modularization. Wanjie connects the business with the developers of independent modules, and will provide guidance for the seamless connection of the development and integration of multiple modules.
For example, a shopping plug-in of Wanjie can be divided into multiple components, including catalog, shopping cart, order submission, delivery, payment, and so on. All these modules can be built by different developers and integrated together to create a customized shopping process plug-in.
The platform will enable users to establish their own services and agreements in a transparent and fair manner.
Through the business tools of the platform portal, initiators can quickly establish contracts and service outlines in a business flow, such as supply chains, legal service agreements, and distribution agreements. The initiator can assign public identities to a group, or define roles for personal identities or all public identities in the group created by the initiator. At the same time, the implementation of the contract is stipulated in the business flow to ensure that the interests of all parties can be protected. Once completed, the service or contract will be translated into a Solidity contract or other chain code. As long as the business flow begins to execute, the relevant parties will constrain participants to cycle and execute in the form of smart contracts.
The main tools of Wanjie Business Application Development Kit are as follows:
1. Digital assets: The initiator can define assets in the process and processes, including financial, product or content assets;
2. Module: Contains complex business logic. Including workflow and process integration;
3. Workflow/Process: The basic unit for building modules-functions that can be executed based on the Wanjie protocol, including cross-blockchain, business flow mapping, and running data synchronization.
4. Role access control: The decentralized signature system will sign and verify users together with relevant identity information, whether it is passwords, organizational information or roles; once verified, the access information can be packaged and delegated to the module for processing.
5. Transaction: The operating environment of the asset and its workflow/process, in which transactions can be generated on different blockchains based on the Wanjie Protocol.
6. Channel: A P2P channel that emphasizes speed and security and connects two nodes in a single or multiple blockchains.
7. Connector: Enterprise-level integration tools for different business areas; the connector integrates Wanjie public blockchain data into the existing centralized business network, and combines blockchain and centralized services to establish a hybrid application program.
2. Wanjie Consensus Agreement
2.1 Modularization of business logic
The business logic will use a configurable role-based consensus methodology to build a hierarchical structure similar to the Merkle tree. The role will be determined by the business participants. Each role is linked to an independent node participating in the consensus; then, the business logic will determine how to incorporate each role into the node data. The role consensus requires a second level of verification. Through its defined key and digital signature, users can directly link to their role in the business. It achieves transparency and traceability, and realizes that users who write data on the blockchain and their corresponding roles can obtain identity authentication.
2.2 Wanjie consensus protocol layer
We have defined a three-layer consensus concept to enable Wanjie to effectively integrate different blockchain products.
2.3 Wanjie business initial layer
The three-layer consensus starts at the business initial layer, where a contract is defined to clarify the role and the corresponding behavior of the role in the business. The contract defined for the business model is a general contract. It will first be compiled and generated into an identifiable and executable contract that can be used in different underlying public chains, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Then, the generated contract will be executed by finding a suitable method among the Wanjie nodes running on different public chain codes. In the Ethereum node, the contract is executed in the form of a smart contract. In the Bitcoin node, the contract is generated in the original contract when the node is created.
2.4 Wanjie Channel Consensus Layer
Wanjie proposed the concept of channel consensus, which is used to perform interactions (transactions or any business behaviors) between predefined roles in the contract. These roles can come from one or two business models. When the new block data wants to record any operations that have been performed, a side chain consensus based on asynchronous Byzantine fault tolerance will be carried out in the channels of all participants (see 4.2 for details). This sidechain consensus will require all participants to vote and meet or exceed the voter's â…”. If the channel spans two different business models in the side chain, the side chain consensus needs to be realized by calculating the votes of the participants of each model. Only after the two modes have reached a consensus, can the channel consensus be reached. It should be noted that when consensus is achieved in the channel, the written block data will be broadcast to all nodes in the channel and stored.
A contract without a defined role is considered a general contract, and the concept of channel is not applicable. Consensus can only be reached in the entire blockchain network.
Voting information structure
Since nodes can be assigned to different channels, and blocks are stored based on the channels, the height of the blockchain on the nodes may be different. The implementation of Resilient Distribution Block (RDB) enables the system to track the context of each block in the side chain through the Merkle tree stored in the reference field on the block data.
The Wanjie sidechain consensus can help initiate transactions between public chains. When there is a need for cross-public chain transactions, the pre-consensus step will be carried out in the Wanjie side chain, and a pre-consensus block (block N9 in the above figure) will send a request to the public chain. This request will be voted by the validators of the public chain to verify the locking or unlocking of assets on the public chain. If both public chains successfully return the request, the pre-consensus block will be submitted. Once â…” the side chain node submits this block, it will be finally confirmed on the Ten Thousand Realms. Since Wanjie uses a combination of federation chain and drive chain, synchronization between the public chain and Wanjie becomes possible.
2.6 Sidechain consensus algorithm
The side chain consensus algorithm consists of two stages. The first stage is "round-based pre-consensus", which is used to obtain a consensus proposal that requires more than 2/3 of the nodes within a certain range to agree. If a channel is used, the range is within this channel; or, if the channel is bypassed, the range will be all nodes. All functions in the contract will be executed in the consensus phase. A round consists of three steps, and each step is evenly allocated one-third of the time. First, a node will be selected to propose a block, and broadcast within his effective range. All nodes that receive the proposed block will pre-vote according to their respective contracts. The broadcasted pre-vote will be collected by the nodes in the range, and once the number of pre-votes counted in the node exceeds 2/3, it will pre-submit the proposed block. If a node does not get enough pre-votes in a round, then a new round will be started until the pre-commit is achieved. In the second stage, if the proposal is across the public chain, the pre-consensus block will be transferred to the public chain. In this case, each node will verify a submitted pre-consensus proposal that more than 2/3 of the nodes have signed. Once the verification is completed, this block will be broadcast and the previous block will be completed.
2.7 Arbitration mechanism
Since only partial consensus is reached in the channel, when a problem is encountered, the participants of the channel can request arbitration. When requesting arbitration, the channel will be ignored, and a consensus on the arbitration information will be reached among all participating nodes in Wanjie.
2.8 Block structure
Wanjie will use the hash of the previous block to link the blockchain and verify it by using the Merkle tree. If the block is stored in an Ethereum or Bitcoin node, the network type field will be recorded. We have introduced a concept of RDB, in which each block is allocated and stored in the side chain of Ten Thousand Realms, and is hashed to a node in the Merkle tree pedigree.
Wanjie: Application scenarios
Wanjie’s protocols and interfaces allow interaction with any number of major underlying networks in a highly scalable manner. A large number of application scenarios come from this interactivity; however, we want to describe one main application scenario: cross-chain decentralized exchanges.
First, our protocol uses Hash TImelocks contracts (HTLC). The hash time lock contract is a combination of hash lock and time lock. The hash lock is a restriction on the receiving address or account, because the owner must publicly display a piece of data to lift the restriction. Similarly, a time lock on a transaction limits the time that a transaction can use. By merging these two parts, HTLC allows cross-chain transactions. As a result, the user recharges the account or address, and the corresponding amount will be credited to Wanjie. Then, users can trade the asset between any other asset types, not limited to Bitcoin or Ethereum, which only have a "normal" trading pair market. When users conduct transactions, their accounts on the corresponding sidechain of Wanjie are recorded accordingly, and they can choose to withdraw their new currency back to the address of their choice at any time, that is, by using HTLC.
We have noticed that due to the use of sharding and side chains, high transaction volumes can be supported in a short period of time. This fact stems from the idea that if a user uses Litecoin to buy Dogecoin (within the framework of the world), then this transaction will only be communicated between Dogecoin and the Litecoin sidechain without affecting performance, such as Bitcoin The performance of currency or Ethernet sidechains.
Wanjie is not just a decentralized exchange with cross-ledgers. By using smart contracts and our business integration API, we can make it easier for companies that are trying to use distributed ledger technology to implement specific applications such as supply chain/inventory management, accounting, and asset digitization.
Other Wanjie application scenarios include:
• Ability to transfer traffic to a high-performance side chain.
• Ability to deploy and migrate DApps easily.
• Realize cross-chain access and consensus through the Wanjie Protocol.
• Standardize the communication between DApps in the Wanjie Protocol.
• Asset certification and process transparency, such as asset registration and donation process.
• BaaS helps users create business modules with open source DApps in the business portal. For example, supply chain and e-commerce process (product catalog and shopping cart can be built into a service, and can be combined flexibly)
• Help enterprises and individuals with artificial intelligence support and process optimization.
• Realize process transparency and traceability by tracking business processes.
Token economic model
One billion OLT tokens will be pre-mined. Each OLT token will initially be mapped to a corresponding ERC20 token, because the Wanjie ecosystem is under development, and early users can use them on the Ethereum ecosystem.
As the Wanjie ecosystem matures, there are three main participants in the Wanjie token economic model: users, network supporters (nodes) and developers. Wanjie will also establish a market, which will be a decentralized application on the Wanjie platform.
Users, including enterprises, need to pay network fees to nodes to use various services on the Wanjie platform. They can obtain OLT tokens from other token holders, or they can run a node by themselves to obtain tokens for commercial activities. Users may need to pay OLT tokens to access various services sold in the market according to smart contracts issued by developers.
Network supporter (node)
Network supporters (nodes) will accept OLT tokens as network fees. In the early stages, Wanjie’s software will allow everyone to run a node. After a period of time, a certain amount of tokens are needed to ensure the load and quality of the network.
Developers include individual contributors, corporate teams, and even consulting companies. Developers need OLT tokens to deploy their modules to the Wanjie platform. They can submit modules and codes to Wanjie Market and provide a smart contract that defines the terms of sale. For example, these services can be free, or users need to pay developers a one-time fee to unlock the services, or developers can even implement smart contracts as a subscription-based business model, so users need to pay OLT every month Token to continue accessing the service. In addition, Wanjie reserves 25% of the tokens for the community, through which it will provide development funds for the best developers and the highest quality projects.
Wanjie will reserve 25% of the tokens for the community, only to help the development of the ecosystem. In addition to motivating developers, Wanjie can also use tokens for community activities, such as holding events and funding development seminars. Wanjie will focus on building a healthy blockchain development ecosystem, and developers will benefit from it and see the value of their contributions.
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