Understanding the difference between cloud computing and virtualization

The concepts of virtualization and private cloud have often confused many IT professionals. Are they the same? Or is there a difference? What is the difference? We have virtualized most of the computing resources, so is cloud computing still relevant to us?


In short, in the IT environment, virtualization is to "isolate" computing resources, so that an object on a layer (such as an application, a task, a component) can ignore the layer below Operate independently of other changes. A detailed discussion of virtualization is beyond the scope of this article. However, let us explain some terms. Virtualization and "isolation" are often selected for some special reasons. In fact, there are technical differences between "virtualization" and "simulation", "isolation" and "redirection". of. Virtualization isolates various computing resources, so it provides the opportunity to reallocate and integrate the isolated resources in order to make better and more efficient use of these resources.

cloud computing

On the other hand, cloud computing is the ability to make various resources available on demand. In general, there are many answers to what we expect from cloud computing. The definition of cloud computing given by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) outlines the basic characteristics, how to deliver, and what kind of deployment model is considered to be cloud computing. I further simplified this definition and provided a more direct and simpler way to describe cloud computing. The following is a diagram of cloud computing that I did using the 5-3-2 principle.

The essence of cloud computing stems from "services". In the context of cloud computing, a service means a state that is available on demand. So SaaS means that software, such as an application, can be accessed on demand, and the focus is on its internal available functions rather than something outside the application.

PaaS provides a normal operating environment for on-demand access, so the question becomes what kind of on-demand application function combination is deployed in this environment. Since the normal operating environment can be accessed on demand, an application deployed into it can also be run on demand. In other words, these applications deployed in the PaaS environment can be delivered on demand, and the result is the same as SaaS.

Speaking of IaaS, it refers to infrastructure that can be accessed on demand and pre-configured on demand. For IT professionals, provisioning infrastructure at the operational level is equivalent to deploying servers. In a cloud computing environment, all servers are virtualized and deployed in the form of virtual machines, so IaaS eventually becomes the ability to deploy virtual machines on demand.

"Access on demand" is not a random term. This term strongly implies the five basic characteristics of cloud computing. On-demand access means high availability and always ready status, because it must be readily available and ready for every SLA. On-demand access advocates that standardization, automation, optimization, and orchestration must be in place, but overall it appears as resource pools and resilience. Access on demand means that there must be auditing and measurement, that is, analysis, so capacity can be planned accordingly. This is why consumption-based billing or post-payment models are included in the basic characteristics of cloud computing.

HNB Device

"Non-burning, nicotine for users, low tar content. As the heating temperature (below 500℃) is lower than the combustion temperature of traditional cigarettes (600-900℃), the harmful components produced by tobacco high-temperature combustion pyrolysis and thermal synthesis are reduced, and the release amount of side-flow smoke and environmental smoke (second-hand smoke) is also greatly reduced."

Heating non - combustion products are electronic devices containing tobacco. When you heat them, they produce a nicotine-containing vapor that you can inhale.

They are different from traditional cigarettes and work by heating tobacco to a very low temperature. Tobacco is heated to 350 ° C in a heat-incombustible device, while traditional cigarettes burn at up to 900 ° C.

Still, the temperature at which non-combustion products are heated is high enough to vaporize and inhale harmful chemicals.

Although both are electronic devices, heated non-combustible products are also different from e-cigarettes or steam devices. These usually use chemical liquids and do not necessarily contain nicotine. E-cigarettes tend to heat liquids to around 250 degrees Celsius to produce vapor.

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