At the AMD Fusion Developer Summit, we saw for the first time AMD's true next-generation graphics architecture. However, because it was addressed to GPU computing developers, the main descriptions were all focused on GPU computing. There was no mention of graphics.
AMD's next step is to develop a "universal scalable GPU for dual optimization of graphics and computing," and a "large-scale multithreaded computing unit architecture for throughput", including a multitasking multi-engine architecture, a computing unit architecture, and multiple levels. Read and write cache architecture.
Obviously, this coincides with NVIDIA GF200 and Fermi's concept of continuous parallel computing, but it may be due to the adverse consequences of the latter's recalculation and light graphics. AMD specifically claims that the new architecture will be "effectively coordinated." The balance between graphics and general-purpose computing."
As for the road map, release plan, specifications, and features of the new product, it is not available, but from the current signs, the Radeon HD 7000 series code-named the Southern Islands will likely continue to use the VLIW4 architecture without a sudden change.
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