(Original title: Video, other robots are still learning how to walk, this machine has been able to blindly ostrich)
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Small ostrich bipedal robot.澎湃 News Trainee Reporter Sun Yi Intern in Yifan (00:53)
An ostrich can be considered a runner in the animal kingdom. When running, it can reach speeds of up to 60 mph (about 96 km/h, 1 mph/1.6 km/h). Perhaps inspired by ostriches, the Pensacola Institute of Human and Machine Awareness (IHMC) in Florida, USA designed a small ostrich bipedal robot that can be stabilized without the use of any computer aids and sensors. Run at 10 mph.
The biggest difference between this small ostrich robot and Boston’s Atlas robot is that it is “blinking blindfoldedâ€: it does not need sensors and computer assistance to maintain balance, relying on the stability of its own design.
IHMC senior research scientist and director of the project, Jerry Pratt, introduced the ostrich machine uses an elliptical wheel design. The benefit of this design is that when one of the legs feels resistance, the other leg More power will be added to fight resistance. The flat oval wheel is driven by a single motor, which greatly reduces power consumption. During exercise, the ostrich robot carries out physics elliptical movements in the legs, which can provide fixation to body shapes such as ostriches.
"All of this robot's athletic talent comes from its own design. Drawing lessons from the design can be applied to more realistic sports robots, making it more efficient and natural. This is for everyone who wants to achieve rapidity. It's very useful when it's sporty and the wheel robot doesn't work,†Pratt said in an interview with MIT Technology Review.
Generally speaking, bipedal robots like Boston Dynamics, and Cassie robots developed by Jonathan Hurst, professor at the University of Oregon, are very power-consuming and expensive and require a lot of power to maintain balance. Gyroscope and sensor operation. But IHMC's robot can use its own elliptical design to achieve balance, which means that it does not require the weight and technology of other robots. It can run on a single motor. According to reports, if the size of an ostrich robot is changed to the size of an adult, its speed may reach 20-30 miles per hour.
Picture from IHMC
In the future, this design may be applied to more robot systems. Pratt led a research team to the DARPA Robotics Challenge. The robot he designed tried to perform a series of tasks in a simulated nuclear disaster environment. This challenge showcases many amazing robotics. However, accidents and falls have also occurred from time to time, which also highlights the difficulties faced by robots in the face of unfamiliar realities. Many of the robots participating in this challenge used a bipedal design but were unable to cross the beach or uneven ground.
Pratt believes that the future development direction of the ostriches will include the detection of work and planets in the radiation environment of nuclear power plants. However, humanoid robots will cause fear to humans to a certain extent, and the practical commercial possibility is also Not great.
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