Light control LED lights

The light-controlled LED lights introduced in this example do not work during the day and automatically light up at night, and can be used as home decoration lights, store advertising lights or holiday lights.
Circuit Operation Principle The light control LED color light circuit consists of a power supply circuit, a light control circuit, a multivibrator and an LED drive control circuit, as shown in Figure 1-168.

The power circuit is composed of a power transformer T, a rectifier diode VDl-VD4, a filter capacitor Cl, C2, a current limiting resistor Rl, a power indicating LED, and a three-terminal voltage regulator integrated circuit IC1.
The multivibrator is composed of a NOT gate integrated circuit 1C3 (D1-D3) and resistors R2, R3, a capacitor C3, and a variable resistor RP.
The light control circuit and the photodiode VD5, the resistors R4 and 1C2 are composed of the circuit in the 15th pin.
The LED drive control circuit is composed of a counting distributor integrated circuit IC2 and light emitting diodes VLl-VLl8.
AC 2OY voltage is stepped down by T, VDl-VD4 rectification, Cl filter, lCl voltage is regulated to produce +9V voltage, one way is used as IC2 and 1C3 working power; the other way is R5 current limiting and VL0 is lit.
During the day, VD5 is exposed to light in a low-resistance state. IC2 is prohibited from counting due to the high level of pin 15. The YO terminal outputs a high level, the Yl-Yg output terminals are all low, and VLl-VLl8 are not lit. At night, the VD5 has no light or the light becomes weak and becomes a high-impedance state, which makes the pin 15 of IC2 become low level, IC2 starts counting, and the oscillation signal generated by the multivibrator is used as the counting pulse of the 14th pin of IC2. The YO-Y9 end of IC2 turns to output a high level in turn, so that VLl-VLl8 turns on in turn, producing a circulating water-like lighting effect.
Adjusting the resistance of the RP can change the oscillation frequency of the multivibrator, thus changing the flickering effect of the light.
Component selection
Rl-R4 uses 1/4W metal film resistor or carbon film resistor.
The RP uses a solid variable resistor.
Cl-C3 is an aluminum electrolytic capacitor with a withstand voltage of 16V.
VDl-VD4 selects 1N4007 silicon rectifier diode for use; VD5 selects 2DU series photodiode for use.
VL0 selects φ3mm green LED; VLl-VLl8 selects p5mm or d8mnl high-brightness LED, the illuminating color can be selected according to your own preferences.
ICl selects LM7809 or W7809 type three-terminal voltage regulator integrated circuit; IC2 selects CD4017 or CC401, MCl4017 type decimal counting/pulse distributor integrated circuit; IC3 selects CD4069 or MCl4069 type six non-gate integrated circuit (unused 3 non-gate The input should be grounded).
T selects 3-5W, the secondary voltage is llV power transformer.


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