working principle
The TinySwitch-III power supply as shown can provide 20W of output power. The 15 V output can supply up to 50 mA of current, and is typically used to power the primary side driver of a brushless DC (BLDC) motor because it is based on the MOSFET source (primary side) inside U1. The 12 V regulated isolated output can deliver up to 1.6 A and can be used to drive microcontrollers, relays, and stepper motors.
This power supply uses a large input capacitor C1 to provide a constant voltage source for the BLDC motor. These components are not shown in the design because it is assumed that the power supply will be placed after all necessary EMI filtering and AC rectification are performed. However, the Y capacitor C10 is necessary to be displayed in the design as part of the EMI filtering.
design feature
- Simple design and low component count
- Extremely efficient: more than 80% efficiency over the input voltage range
- One isolated output, one primary side reference output, ideal for white goods applications
- Hysteretic thermal shutdown protection
See the PDF document for details (click on the PDF file to download)
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