The difference between digital cameras and traditional cameras

Although the appearance, function, and operation of digital cameras are similar to those of ordinary cameras, there are several differences between digital cameras and traditional cameras:

1. The production process is different: the traditional camera uses the silver salt photosensitive material that is the film as a carrier, after shooting the film must be washed to get the photo, after shooting can not know the quality of the photo shoot, and can not delete badly shot photos. Instead of using a film, a digital camera uses a charge-coupled device (CCD) element to sense the light, and then converts the light signal into an electrical signal, which is recorded on a memory card after analog/digital conversion. The memory card can be used repeatedly. Because the photos taken by the digital camera have to be digitally processed and then stored, the captured photos can be played back to view the effect, and unsatisfied photos can be immediately deleted and retaken. After shooting, the digital camera is connected to the computer. The photos can be easily transferred to a computer and various image processing can be performed to create a Web page or direct printout. This is the main difference between a digital camera and a conventional camera.

2. Shooting results are different: traditional camera silver halide film can capture continuous hue and color, and the digital camera's CCD device will lose some details in the darker or brighter light, and more importantly, the digital camera CCD component captured images The pixels are much smaller than the pixels captured by a traditional camera. In general, traditional 35mm film resolution is 2500 lines per inch, which is equivalent to 18 million pixels or even higher, and the best CCD used by digital cameras can reach only 10 million pixels. At this stage, photos taken by digital cameras cannot match the photos captured by traditional cameras, regardless of the sharpness, texture, level, and saturation of the images. However, the rapid development of digital cameras still has great room for development. It is believed that there will be considerable development in a few years.

3. Shooting speed is different: Before pressing the shutter, the digital camera needs to adjust the aperture, change the shutter speed, check the auto focus, open the flash, and other operations. After the photo is taken, the digital camera must perform image compression and storage of the captured photos. These need to wait a few seconds, so the digital camera shooting speed, especially continuous shooting speed can not meet the requirements of professional photography, but Nikon's new D1 has reached a 1/16000 second shutter speed, indicating that the digital camera Technology has surpassed traditional cameras.

4. Different storage media: Digital camera images are stored digitally on magnetic media, while traditional camera images are chemically recorded on silver halide film. The current digital camera storage media are mainly SM card, CF card, XD card, SD card, MMC card, SONY memory stick and IBM small hard disk. Storage capacity is divided into 32M, 64M, 128M, 256M or higher, and the current IBM small hard drive can easily reach 1GB. For example, a 64M memory card may store more than 80 pictures when the resolution is 1280*960, and it is no problem if several hundred pictures are stored at a low resolution.

5. The input and output methods are different: the digital camera's image can be directly input into the computer, processed and printed out or directly to create a web page, convenient and quick. The image of a traditional camera must be washed in a darkroom. To be processed, it must be scanned into the computer by a scanner. The quality of the scanned image must be affected by the accuracy of the scanner. In this way, even if it is of high quality, the image obtained after scanning is far behind. With the same digital number, it is easy to shoot everything in nature as a digital image directly processed by the computer. If the VIDEO out terminal is connected, it can be displayed on the TV.

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