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As the most important technology product exhibition in the second half of the year, Tencent's Digital News has once again come to us in September when IFA was held in Berlin, Germany. Every year at IFA, we can see a large number of new appearances of PCs, smart phones, notebooks, tablet computers and smart watches. It can be said that IFA is the vane of the field of digital technology products in the second half of the year.
And what new products will IFA play this year? Let’s take a look together.
Lenovo Yoga Book with Virtual Touch Keyboard
As the most important member of the PC makers, Lenovo also brought many new products to IFA, including the Yoga Book with pressure-sensitive stylus. The biggest highlight of this notebook is the keyboard part.
The keyboard of the Yoga Book is displayed as a virtual touch key in a normal state, and can also be converted into a touch panel using a Wacom technology, which is referred to as a Halo Keyboard non-physical keyboard. The keyboard supports pressure-sensitive operation, the keyboard is displayed in a virtual form by the backlight, and then can also be equipped with a 2048-level pressure stylus for drawing operations.
The core configuration, the aircraft is equipped with Atom X5 Z8550 processor, has a 10.1-inch 1920 × 1200 resolution IPS display, 4GB of memory and 64GB of memory, equipped with 8500mAh capacity battery, battery life of up to 15 hours.
Acer Predator 21X giant tune game screen game
In addition to Swift 7's thinnest notebook in the world, Acer’s other star product is the 21-inch giant Predator 21X game screen.
The Predator 21X can definitely be considered a forerunner in the game book. It is in stark contrast to Swift 7 which is less than 1cm. It can almost be regarded as one of the “thickest†notebooks in the world. In addition, in addition to the large 21-inch screen, the Predator 21X is the world's first game console with a curved display screen, which has never been heard before.
In addition, the large body naturally provides plenty of space for high-end configurations, such as the Predator 21X is not only equipped with the seventh-generation Core i7 processor, but also built a dual NVIDIA GTX 1080 graphics card, absolutely monster performance. In addition, in order to cool the notebook, Acer installed five fans for the Predator 21X, and also equipped with a complex heat pipe.
The Predator 21X also uses the cherry key mechanical keyboard, and each key has its own independent RGB backlight. The numeric keypad can actually turn over to become a touchpad. At the same time Predator 21X also has built-in Tobii eye tracking technology, and has a 4.2 audio system with 4 speakers and 2 subwoofers.
Acer world's thinnest notebook Swift 7
At this year's IFA, Acer launched a series of new products, of which the most eye-catching will be Swift 7 which is called "the world's thinnest" notebook. Swift 7 is the first notebook to control the thickness to less than 1 cm, only 9.98 mm, breaking the records of the previous HP Spectre 13. At the same time, the weight of Swift 7 is only 1.1 kg and it has very good portability.
In terms of core configuration, Swift 7 is equipped with a 13.3-inch high-definition IPS display, built-in Intel's new seventh generation Kaby Lake architecture Core i5 processor and 8GB of running memory, while also has a 256GB solid state drive, and uses a fanless design and aluminum alloy One-piece body, it can be said that both the performance and color value.
ASUS ZenBook 3
ASUS ZenBook 3 is also one of the biggest stars of the current IFA. This new ASUS Ultrabook product can basically be regarded as a “MacBook†in the field of Windows devices, achieving a very good balance in terms of value and performance.
The ZenBook 3 is only equipped with USB Type-C interface and headphone jack, has a 1920x1080p resolution display, and provides 16GB of running memory, weighs 0.9kg, and has a thickness of 11.7mm. However, in terms of processor specifications, Asustek has not officially announced, it seems that so far, ZenBook 3 also has a certain degree of mystery.
Moto Z Play and Hasselblad True Zoom Camera Modules
Moto Z series new Motorola is Motorola's new flagship, and in this IFA's flagship Motorola brings the Z series in the mid-range new Moto Z Play, also debuted for the Mods series designed by Hasselblad built a professional camera module .
The Moto Z Play is not much different in appearance from the standard Moto Z. It has an aluminum frame and glass back plate design, and is equipped with a 3510mAh capacity battery. In addition Moto Z Play is also equipped with a USB-C interface, and retains the 3.5mm headphone jack, also supports Mods modular extensions.
The core configuration, Moto Z Play equipped with a 2.0GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 processor, equipped with a 1080p resolution 5.5-inch AMOLED touch screen, with 3GB RAM + 32GB ROM storage portfolio, support for memory card expansion. The system is Android6.0.1 system, and has a 500-megapixel front camera and LED flash, the main camera is 16 million pixels, supports laser focus function.
At the same time, the True Zoom 10-fold optical zoom Moto Mods module was created by Hasselblad. Its main feature is a 10x optical zoom lens with xenon flash; solid shutter keys and zoom control are provided.
LG World's Largest Surface Monitor
LG has few new products on this IFA, and one of them is known as the world's best, that is 38-inch 38UC99, and this monitor is also the world's largest ultra-wide curved display products.
The 38UC99 features a 3840x1600 pixel 4K resolution screen. In addition to being the largest curved widescreen display in the world, the UC99 also joins the USB-C interface for the first time. It also includes two Bluetooth speakers, and it is also the first monitor to have the same configuration. product.
However, the price, 38UC99 naturally unambiguous, the price felt $ 1,499 (about 10,000 yuan), is expected to be listed in mid-September.
ASUS ZenWatch 3 Smart Watch
ASUS's ZenWatch series of smart watches has always been a high cost performance, and in this IFA Asus also brought its own new generation of ZenWatch 3 smart watches. Unlike previous generations of products, this time ZenWatch 3 features a new round dial design, which has changed dramatically in appearance.
In terms of configuration, ZenWatch 3 is also a bright spot. It is the first product to be equipped with Qualcomm's 2100 processor for wearable devices. It also includes a 400×400 pixel 1.39-inch AMOLED display, and in addition to touch operation. It is also equipped with physical buttons for custom operation and built-in ASUS ZenFit motion tracking application. ZenWatch 3 can charge about 60% of the electricity in 15 minutes, and can reach two days of full battery life.
In terms of design, ZenWatch 3 offers rubber and leather straps in two colors: copper, silver and rose gold, and uses gorilla glass panels. In addition, ZenWatch 3 is relatively well-controlled in thickness, and its thickness is only about 9.95mm, which is even thinner than Apple Watch.
Samsung Gear S3
Although Samsung released the new flagship Galaxy Note 7 in the second half of the year ahead of IFA, this did not prevent it from continuing to become the protagonist at IFA. That's right, after the Gear S2 has made quite a good performance, this time we ushered in a new generation of Gear S3.
In terms of configuration, the Star Gear S3 Standard Edition is equipped with a 1.3-inch Super AMOLED screen with a resolution of 360×360 pixels and supports Always On. The glass used in the watch is Corning's latest Glass SR panel. The degree of scratch resistance has been improved. At the same time, this watch also supports IP68 level three defenses. The strap is still a traditional leather series.
In interactive mode, Gear S3 continues the classic design of S2's circular dial, using a rotary operation mode, which can be used to select or set programs, zoom pictures, answer calls and so on. At the same time, the Home button and Back button are set on the right side.
As Samsung's third-generation smart watch, Gear S3's biggest upgrade is to support Samsung Pay mobile payment of MST technology. Compared with NFC, support for MST technology can be used to pay for more credit card POS machines.
Garmin Virb Ultra 30 sport camera
After launching the Virb XE motion video camera last year, Garmin also brought a new Virb Ultra 30 sport camera product to the IFA, which is arguably the GoPro's most powerful competitor.
The Virb Ultra 30 features a 1.75-inch color touch screen viewfinder, and the biggest highlight is support for voice control to take photos. Virb Ultra 30 supports up to 4K 30 frames of high-definition video capture, and supports 3-axis electronic image stabilization, and up to 12 million pixels in still images. Built-in accelerometer, GPS, barometer and electronic compass.
The Virb Ultra 30 supports ANT+, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi connectivity and can be controlled via Garmin sports watches, smart phones, and other Garmin sensor accessories. Waterproof capacity of 40 meters, 1080p/30fps mode shooting life can be 2 hours and 15 minutes, 4K/30fps mode shooting life can be 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Pcb Speaker,Pcb Subwoofer,Pcb Mount Speaker,Pcb Mounted Speaker