Remote control Zhongshan ship's circuit diagram

Probe domestic double-head probe 038-BB-5.7L The shape of the two ends of the needle is outside the pointed needle
Industrial Router Crystal 3.2*2.5mm 3225 26M (26.000MHZ) 12PF 10PPM 20PPM 30PPM

Remote control "Zhongshan Ship" This circuit is equipped with the remote control circuit of the product, which can be used in the market model "Zhongshan Ship" without remote control. A, B, C, D, and 10 are the four decoded outputs and the active outputs from the remote receiving circuit, all of which are non-locking high outputs. IV1 works in a one-shot mode. When a pulse is input to segment A, the position of IC1 is high, and the output of pin 1 is high. Through R1 and R2, Q3, Q1 and Q4 and Q2 are respectively turned on. The sacks M1 (left side) and M2 (right side) are all electrically operated. Forward. If there is a pulse at the B terminal, IC1 is reset, 1 pin is low, M1, M2. stops rotating. If the C terminal is high, then Q5 is turned on, shorting the base of Q3 to ground, Q3 is cut off, M1 stops, and the ship turns left and right. In the same way, the ship turns right. Therefore, this LED has dual power and remote indication functions.

Remote control Zhongshan ship electronic circuit diagram

Remote control Zhongshan ship circuit diagram

Pc Material

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