Schneider inverter common faults and judgments - Solutions - Huaqiang Electronic Network

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(1) Schneider inverter OC alarm keyboard panel LCD display: over current when adding, subtracting, and constant speed.
For short-time high-current OC alarms, in general, the current detection circuit of the drive board has a problem, and the module may have been impacted (damaged). It may continue to malfunction after reset. The causes are basically the following : Arc effect caused by excessive motor cable length, excessive output leakage current caused by cable selection threshold, or loose output connector and increased load current caused by cable damage.
When the small capacity (7.5G11 or less) inverter's 24V fan power supply is short-circuited, it will also cause OC3 alarm. At this time, the 24V fan power supply on the main board will be damaged, and other functions of the main board are normal. If the “1, OC2” alarm occurs and the “OC3” alarm is displayed after a power-on, the motherboard may have a problem. If the RUN button is pressed to display the “OC3” alarm, the drive board is broken.
(2) Schneider inverter OLU alarm keyboard panel LCD display: the inverter is overloaded.
When the G/P9 series inverter has this alarm, it can be solved by three methods: first modify the parameter settings of “torque boost”, “acceleration/deceleration time” and “energy-saving operation”. Secondly, use the card meter to measure the output of the inverter. Really too large, finally use the oscilloscope to observe the output of the detection point in the upper left corner of the motherboard to determine whether the motherboard has been damaged. String 1
(3) Schneider inverter OU1 alarm keypad panel LCD display: overvoltage during acceleration.
When the general-purpose inverter has an "OU" alarm, first consider whether the cable is too long, whether the insulation is aging, whether the electrolytic capacitor of the intermediate link of the DC is damaged, and for the large inertia load, consider the online self-tuning of the motor. In addition, the intermediate DC link voltage is measured with a multimeter at startup. If the display instrument display voltage is different from the LCD display voltage of the operation panel, the detection circuit of the main board is faulty and the main board needs to be replaced. When the DC bus voltage is higher than 780VDC, the inverter will do OU alarm. When it is lower than 350VDC, the inverter will make an undervoltage LU alarm.
(4) LU alarm keyboard panel LCD display: under voltage.
If the device often has a "LU undervoltage" alarm, consider initializing the parameters of the inverter (confirmed after H03 is set to 1), and then increase the carrier frequency of the inverter (parameter F26). If the E9 device LU is under voltage alarm and cannot be reset, there is a problem with the (power) driver board.
(5) EF alarm keyboard panel LCD display: short circuit to ground.
When this alarm occurs in the G/P9 series inverter, the main board or Hall element may be faulty.
(6) Er1 alarm keyboard panel LCD display: memory is abnormal.
About G/P9 series inverter "ER1 does not reset" fault handling: Remove the FWD-CD short circuit, power on, keep pressing the RESET button to power off, know that the LED power indicator is off and then let go and then power on again, see If the "ER1 is not reset" fault is canceled, if it cannot be released by this method, the internal code is lost and only the motherboard can be replaced.
(7) Schneider inverter Er7 alarm keyboard panel LCD display: self-tuning is not good.
When this fault alarm occurs in the G/P11 series inverter, the charging resistor is generally damaged (small-capacity inverter). The other is to check whether the internal contactor is closed (large-capacity inverter, 30G11 or more and when the inverter has load output, it will alarm), the contactor's auxiliary contact is in good contact. If the internal contactor does not pick up, you can check the drive first. Is the 1A fuse on the board damaged? It may also be a problem with the driver board - check if the two core signals sent to the motherboard are normal.
(8) Schneider inverter Er2 alarm keypad panel LCD display: panel communication is abnormal.
This alarm (main board problem) occurs when the inverter of 11kW or more is short-circuited by the 24V fan power supply. For the E9 series machine, the DTG component of the display panel is generally damaged. When the component is damaged, the motherboard will be damaged. The OC alarm is displayed immediately after the power is turned on after replacing the display panel. When the G/P9 machine is powered on and the "ER2" alarm is displayed, the capacitor on the drive board is disabled.
(9) OH1 overheat alarm keypad panel LCD display: heat sink overheated.
OH1 and OH3 are essentially the same signal, which is randomly detected by the CPU. The OH1 (detecting the bottom plate part) and the OH3 (detecting the main board part) analog signals are connected in series and then sent to the CPU, and the CPU randomly reports any of the faults. When the “OH1” alarm occurs, first check whether the ambient temperature is too high, whether the cooling fan is working properly, and secondly check whether the heat sink is clogged (such alarms appear in food processing and textile applications). If it is used in the constant pressure water supply and the analog quantity is given, it is easy to appear when using the 800Ω potentiometer. The capacity of the potentiometer should not be too small, not less than 1kΩ; this alarm will also appear when the movable end of the potentiometer is connected incorrectly. . If the 220V fan of the large-capacity inverter (30G11 or higher) does not turn, the overheat alarm will definitely occur. At this time, check whether the fuse FUS2 (600V, 2A) on the power supply board is damaged.
When the "OH3" alarm occurs, it is generally that the small capacitor on the driver board fails due to overheating. The result of the failure (symptom) is the three-phase output imbalance of the inverter. Therefore, when the inverter shows “OH1” or “OH3”, you can first check the inverter to check whether the three-phase output of the inverter is balanced.
For OH overheating alarms, the possibility of a motherboard or electronic thermal meter malfunctioning also exists. The G/P11 series inverter electronic thermometer is an analog signal, and the G/P9 series inverter electronic heat meter is a switching signal.

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