Definition of floating-point data: The so-called floating-point data refers to data that represents real numbers by symbols, mantissas, and indices. The format of floating-point data is based on the IEEE754 standard, and the single-precision data format is represented as 32-bit.
Models supported by floating point numbers: CP1H, CP1L, CP1E, CQM1H, CS1, CJ1 support floating point operations.
How to transfer floating-point data: Normal single-precision floating-point data is 32-bit, so it occupies 2 channels in succession. Therefore, double-word transfer instruction MOVL or 2 MOVs are required for floating-point data transfer; double-precision floating-point data It is 64-bit, so it occupies 4 channels in succession, so you can use 2 MOVL or block transfer instruction XFER for floating-point data transfer.
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