The role and advantages of the dummy load

What is the dummy load?

A dummy load is a component, component, or device that replaces a terminal at a circuit (such as an amplifier) ​​or an electrical output port that receives electrical power.

It is an alternative terminal in a circuit (such as an amplifier) ​​or an electrical output port, the component, component or device that receives electrical power is called a dummy load. The most basic requirement for a dummy load is to match the power impedance that can be withstood. An informal load that is typically used temporarily when debugging or detecting machine performance.

The role and advantages of the dummy load

Type of dummy load

According to different current forms, it can be divided into: AC dummy load and DC dummy load.

The role and advantages of the dummy load

The role of the dummy load

Instead of equipment, simulate the operation of the system, perform system testing, acceptance, and experimentation.

The role and advantages of the dummy load

Advantage of fake load

1) Easy to use

a. According to the demand, we can design a suitable load for loading and unloading to meet various use occasions;

b. After the dummy load is connected to the power cable, it can be used after power-on, without cumbersome operation.

2) Flexible loading

a. The maximum power of a single dummy load can be selected according to requirements;

b. On a single dummy load, there are multiple switches, and the power is set separately. When used, it can be added or subtracted at any time to adjust to any load operation state;

c. It can be easily adjusted to three-phase load balance to reduce power loss.

3) Instantaneous power failure and power-on without adverse effects

Since the dummy load is composed of a pure resistor, no harmonic pollution occurs and no reactive power is generated.

4) Good heat dissipation

The dummy load has a good heat dissipation design, from the fan to the heat dissipation window, all follow the best heat dissipation concept.

The role and advantages of the dummy load

Dummy load application

Rack-type dummy load application diagram in the data center:

The role and advantages of the dummy load

The role and advantages of the dummy load

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