Bioclock experts believe that using energy-saving lamps will cause disaster

One study showed that women living in a large number of nightlights were more likely to develop breast cancer than women who were in the dark at night.

According to the US "Washington Post" reported on the 20th, this result provides evidence for a previous hypothesis that nighttime exposure to excessive light can interfere with hormone production in the brain that inhibits tumors, which may increase breast cancer. risk.

Klug, of the University of Haifa, who is in charge of the study, said: "We are by no means saying that nighttime lighting is the only or main cause of breast cancer, but we have found a clear link that should be considered."

For years, scientists have long believed that caged mice that are mostly in the light-on environment during the night have a higher risk of cancer than mice that sleep in the dark. Epidemiological studies of nurses, flight attendants, and other night-time workers have shown that even with other factors such as dietary differences, they are 60% more likely to develop cancer than the average person.

According to these studies, an organization of the World Health Organization announced in December 2007 that shifts were classified as “possible carcinogenic factors” and classified night shifts into the same health risk categories as exposure to toxic chemicals.

If such a link really exists, the mechanism of action remains unclear, but many scientists suspect that the key is melatonin. This hormone is secreted by the pineal gland in the brain and helps to block the formation of tumors. The body mainly secretes melatonin at night, and the light, especially the blue spectrum of light generated by computer screens and fluorescent lamps, causes a sharp drop in secretion.

Abraham Haim, a bioclock expert at Haifa University who participated in the study, said the study questioned recent claims about switching to energy-efficient fluorescent bulbs. Haim said: "After 20 years, this may cause a disaster."

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