Clarify the radiation standards of self-ballasted fluorescent lamps for general lighting

Recently, the radiation problem of self-ballasted fluorescent lamps for general lighting (commonly referred to as "energy saving lamps") has become a hot spot for both the public and the lighting industry practitioners. China is a big country for the use and export of "energy saving lamps" and China's "energy saving lamp". Is there a radiation standard for the product? What is the international standard for "energy saving lamp" radiation? What is the actual situation of the "energy saving lamp" radiation?

1. Status Quo of Radiation Standards for "Energy Saving Lamps" at Home and Abroad

In addition to safety and performance requirements, the “energy saving lamp” products also have electromagnetic compatibility requirements. The standard implemented in China is GB 17743-2007 “Restriction and measurement methods for radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment”, equivalent to GB 17743-2007. In the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Special Committee on Radio Interference, CISPR 15:2005+A1:2006, it includes radiated and conducted RF disturbances and has requirements for radiated electromagnetic disturbances in the frequency range from 9 kHz to 300 MHz. "Energy-saving lamp" products, such as energy-saving certification tests, have been assessed as one of the standards according to GB 17743-2007.

Internationally, in addition to implementing CISPR 15, “energy saving lamp” products also include the impact on the human body into the scope of assessment. In 2009, IEC established IEC 62493:2009 “Evaluation of Electromagnetic Radiation of Lighting Equipment to Human Body” which is a lighting device. Measurements of electromagnetic fields in the surrounding space determine the appropriate evaluation methods, standardized working conditions and measurement distances. The EU has added this international standard to the Low Voltage Directive (LVD). Since February 2013, lighting equipment exported to Europe should meet this standard requirement.

The National Lighting Standardization Technical Committee is formulating the national standard “Evaluation of Human Electromagnetic Radiation by Lighting Equipment”. It is equivalent to IEC 62493:2009 and is currently in the stage of approval draft. It includes the assessment of human electromagnetic radiation by “energy saving lamps”.

2. IEC 62493:2009 "Evaluation of lighting equipment for human electromagnetic radiation" and "CFL" measurement distance, etc.

- Measuring distance

IEC 62493:2009 "Evaluation of electromagnetic radiation from lighting equipment for human body" specifies different measuring distances for different lighting products. For self-ballasted fluorescent lamps for general lighting (commonly known as "energy-saving lamps"), the measurement distance is 30cm.

The IEC 62493:2009 standard has specific provisions for measuring devices (conductive balls, protection networks, receivers) and their arrangement. The use of "energy-saving lamps" is different from the use of phones attached to the ear, and the measurement distance cannot be zero. According to this standard, a certain 12W "energy-saving lamp" is measured and evaluated by Jcap/Jlim. Jcap indicates the current density due to the electric field. Jlim indicates the basic current limit value. The standard specifies the Jcap/Jlim limit as 0.85. When the measurement distance is 0, Jcap/Jlim=0.9737 (see FIG. 1); when the measurement distance is 30 cm, Jcap/Jlim=0.0864 (see FIG. 2); when the measurement distance is 50 cm, Jcap/Jlim=0.0504 (see FIG. 3). ). When the measurement distance is 0, Jcap/Jlim=0.9737>0.85, but when 30cm, Jcap/Jlim=0.0864<0.85, the product is qualified if judged by the measured value at 30cm, and if the distance is less than 30cm, the measurement value is erroneously determined. Judging, the product will become unqualified. It can be seen that the "energy-saving lamp" has a large relationship with the distance and radiation distance. In actual use, the human body is usually away from the lighting equipment is not 0, generally have a certain distance, this is the reason for the standard 30cm test distance, but also detection Institutional scientific testing and determination of the guidelines to be followed.

Figure 1 Radiation measured at a test distance of 0

Figure 2 Radiation measured at a test distance of 30 cm

Figure 3 Radiation measured at a test distance of 50 cm

3, GB 8702-1988 "electromagnetic radiation protection regulations" on the "energy-saving lamps" product suitability analysis

GB 8702-1988 “Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Regulations” was proposed by the National Environmental Protection Agency Standards Department in 1988 and organized by the Radiation Environmental Management Department of the State Environmental Protection Agency. When applying the standard to evaluate environmental radiation levels, attention should be paid to standards. The applicability.

1)GB 8702-1988 does not include the operating frequency of the "energy saving lamp" lamp current

The operating frequency of the "energy saving lamp" lamp current ranges from 30 kHz to 50 kHz. Article 8 of GB 8702-88: “The applicable frequency range of the protection limit in this regulation is 100kHz to 300GHz”. The applicable frequency range of the protection limit does not include the operating frequency of the "energy saving lamp" lamp current.

2) The "energy saving lamp" power belongs to the range of GB 8702-88 unmanageable radiators

GB 8702-88 3.1.2 and Table 3: For the frequency range of 0.1MHz-3MHz, the equivalent radiant power is less than 300W, which can be exempt from management. Energy-saving lamps have no antenna gain and their radiated power will not exceed 300W. Therefore, the "energy saving lamp" power belongs to the range of GB 8702-88 unmanageable radiators.

3) GB 8702-88 standard applies to environmental testing, not applicable product testing

The GB 8702-88 standard is applicable to the detection of electromagnetic radiation environment. The object of detection is the radiation energy of the corresponding frequency in the environment. Since the test object is radiation of the relevant frequency in the environment, the contribution to the environmental impact comes from all the electromagnetic radiation-generating radiators in the environment, and it is impossible to distinguish their contributions, so this standard is not suitable for the detection of a certain product in the environment. When evaluating the radiation level of "energy-saving lamps", the product standards and relevant applicable standards of the product should be used.

4 Conclusion

China's national standard for "energy saving lamps" products is equivalent to the use of IEC standards, and there are standards for the radiation of "energy saving lamps". Regarding the standards for evaluation of human body electromagnetic radiation by "energy-saving lamps" and other lighting equipment, the adoption of China's national standards that are equivalent to IEC standards is actively being formulated. The domestic and foreign standards related to the radiation of "energy saving lamps" products are clear.

5, reference

[1]GB 17743-2007 "Restrictions and Measurement Methods for Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Electrical Lighting and Similar Equipment"

[2]IEC 62493:2009 "Evaluation of Human Electromagnetic Radiation from Lighting Equipment"

[3]GB 8702-88 "Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Regulations"

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