HMI trends

The man-machine interface program has been changing. Industrial user interfaces are inspired by high-end 3D graphics processing and icon-based navigation and control functions for user-facing products such as cell phones and MP3 players, creating a user-friendly and intuitive user interface. The trend-setting human-machine interface solution will support this concept, fully incorporate the latest graphics processing and functions, and provide a well-designed and intuitive user interface based on the widely used flexible modern software technology and a truly open platform architecture.

The graphical user interface does not necessarily use advanced graphics solutions. Simplicity and consistency often outweigh the complex and overly artistic solutions. However, the design process often benefits from the cooperation of graphic designers and application engineers.

What is the latest trend in human-machine interfaces? What should you pay attention to when you search for new human-machine interface solutions in the market? The purpose of this white paper is to outline the latest in software-driven industrial human-machine interface solutions. The key trend.

Trend 1: Human-machine interface becomes an integral part of the user experience

The importance of the user interface has become more apparent in the past few years. Take the example of Apple’s graphical interface product, the iPod or iPhone, which reveals how an intuitive and tempting user interface has revolutionized people’s perception of specific product categories.

The success of Apple's products and other user-facing products has demonstrated how the same visual and tactile effects between products, graphics, and the environment contribute to brand awareness and consistent user experience.

Many industrial companies have made the same conclusions and began paying close attention to the quality of the user interface of their products. In many ways, human-machine interfaces are the frontier of machines or processes. With more advanced features and interactions built into the man-machine interface, the user interface can better reflect the true experience of the machine or process. By adding appropriate visual and haptic effects, tomorrow's successful human-machine interface will enhance the concept of human-machine interface solutions from just a functional accessory to being an integral part of the user experience.

Design features will include the use of WPF items that can be expanded to any size without damaging image quality, and the use of .Net items found or purchased from the Internet. The use of templates and object styles can help ensure consistent and reusable designs in an effective manner. The inclusion of all functional objects, including Windows Media Objects, in the desired screen design can further enhance the user's positive experience.

In addition to the comparative advantage that machine makers can gain, there are numerous benefits for end-users to invest in developing and designing intuitive user interfaces. The value gains of intuitive human-machine interface solutions tomorrow will be reflected in ease of use, high efficiency, high productivity, reduced time to complete tasks, increased user satisfaction, more stable system performance, and fewer user errors.

Human-machine interface solutions draw inspiration from the advanced graphics processing of consumer-oriented products such as mobile phones and MP3 players, creating a friendly and intuitive user interface

Trend 2: Innovation based on modern best software technology

The evolution of human-machine interfaces is driven by the continuous development of software based on high-quality, high-performance panel hardware. Today, the panel hardware is regarded as the carrier of the human-machine interface software platform. Through it, OEM design engineers can add a series of functions and design features to the company's products to add value to the products. The software platform is thus an important element of human-machine interface solutions.

The development of human-machine interface software is expensive and complex. Innovative human-machine interface manufacturers need to build their software platform on modern and widely used technologies such as .Net technology, so that they can access a wide range of tools and functions.

The future is also true for the maintenance and development of the technology platform for human-machine interface solutions. The resources behind .Net are enormous, and this will be reflected in the continuous development of new features of human-machine interface software. Relying on proprietary technology or the technology of small vendors is indeed a method, but it is full of risks.

Through continuous innovation and service support, human-machine interface solutions based on Microsoft's .Net framework or similar technologies are likely to ensure that their tools do not lag behind future growth. This is a long-term strategic plan for their own products and external suppliers. The original equipment manufacturer is very willing to see.

Trend 3: Open Platform Architecture for Total Solutions

The man-machine interface generally integrates the operation of the machine or process with the feedback from the operator. On the one hand is the quality of the graphical user interface and the associated availability. Another important aspect is the openness of human-machine interface solutions. Is it easy or difficult to exchange important information with different systems or controllers? To customize functions or objects to lock application code? Can runtime software operate on different hardware platforms? Design engineers can use standards in their projects What are the .Net objects? These are topics that often appear between user and seller conversations.

The open platform architecture of tomorrow's human-machine interface solution will provide original equipment manufacturers with a series of opportunities to enhance the visual effects, functions, and connectivity of applications, thereby promoting the emergence of unique products with great integrity.

The HMI solution is less proprietary and can provide greater freedom in selecting runtime platforms; from compact operator panels to industrial computers produced by different manufacturers.

An extensible master project can be created that can be applied to multiple controller brands and panel resolutions, with the advantage of maintaining only one project. Engineers will require the use of scripting tools, such as C# scripts, to customize the appearance or functionality of the object. Design tools provide the possibility of entering third-party objects and .net controls.

Connectivity and the freedom of communication are the hallmarks of a truly open human-machine interface solution. The choices it contains are simple, real-time exchange of data between controllers until SQL and OPC communicate with other devices and IT systems.

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