Remember to compile the Xilinx library with the compxlibgui tool

When ISE calls ModelSim for simulation, if the IP core or other primitive statements provided by Xilinx are used in the FPGA design, ModelSim can't simulate without adding the corresponding library file of Xilinx.

Perhaps it is a compatibility problem. After the installation is completed, the emulator that comes with ISE10.1 can't be used. The prompt is a lite version simulator. At first I thought it was the version of the webpack installed, so I tried to reinstall it and installed it with the ID of a foundaTIon version, but it still has the same problem.

In order to prevent run-time errors caused by compatibility issues, the main programs such as xilinx/10.1/ise/bin/nt/ise.exe xilinx/10.1/EDK/bin/nt/xps.exe are set to compatibility mode. see picture 1.

Figure 1 Compatibility mode settings

Figure 1 Compatibility mode settings

Now that the simulation that comes with ISE can't be used, I use the simulation software provided by the third party instead. I chose ModelSim se 6.5. However, before using Modelsim, you need to compile the Xilinx library with ModelSim and specify the path to the compiled library in the ModelSim system environment. The previous practice was to manually compile and add Xilinx libraries directly using the commands that come with ModelSim. See reference 1. But unfortunately, when I manually compile Xilinxcorelibs, I always make mistakes. Personal guess is that there is a problem with the compiled file order, which makes it impossible to find another library when compiling a file.

It is now recommended to use the library compilation tool that comes with Xilinx, which is used to automatically mobilize ModelSim to compile and add libraries to Xilinx. It saves a lot of work, and although there are many warnnings, there are no errors.

In order to save trouble, I used the default configuration directly. The specific process is as follows:

1. Install the ISE10.1 IP patch package (optional)

The download path is:

Note: The reason for this step is: If you used the latest IPcore at design time, but ModelSim did not find the corresponding library under XilinxCoreLibs, then you can't simulate it. For unnecessary trouble in the future, it is recommended to install the IP patch package first.

2. Compatibility mode setting

First of all, in order to prevent compatibility problems, the first thing to do is to set compatibility properties. First find the compxlibgui.exe file, the specific path Xilinx/10.1/ISE/bin/nt/compxlibgui.exe.

Right-click on the executable and select Compatibility Mode for Windows XP service pack 3 (because ISE10.1 works fine under Win XP sp3). Once determined, run the executable.

3. Modify the ModelSim.ini file property: modify to read

The specific path modeltech_6.5/modelSim.ini, right-click the file, remove the read-only attribute.

Note: Because the file needs to be modified in the following steps to specify the compiled library.

3. Run compxlibgui.exe

Go to the Xilinx SimulaTIon Library CompilaTIon Wizard, as shown in Figure 2. Specify the path to the ModelSim executable.
Note: The requirements for the ModelSim version are: SE/PE 6.3C or higher

Figure 2. Specifying the path to the emulator's executable

Figure 2. Specifying the path to the emulator's executable

Choose the language you need to compile, I use VHDL, so I only selected VHDL.

Figure 3. HDL language selection

Figure 3. HDL language selection

The next three steps are my default choices (Select device Familes and Select libraries for funcTIonal Simulator, and the path to the precompiled library)

Figure 4 graphical interface at compile time

Figure 4. Graphical interface at compile time

Note: Those who are interested can look at the commands and parameters used in compiling and the reading and writing of related files.

4 open the ModelSim view library

Modify modeltech_6.5/modelsim.ini to read-only, otherwise modelSim will have a warning.

Figure 5. List of ModelSim library files

Figure 5. List of ModelSim library files

ModelSim simulation can now be called directly from ISE.

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