If you are not a fan of Ridley Scott or "The Silver Wings," you may not be interested in one of the annual blockbusters, Silver Wings Killer 2049. Like its predecessor, "Silver Wings Killer 2049" is also plunged into an embarrassing situation. If you are obsessed with technology, or do not measure the movie as good as most people do, then it is 120%. Good movie!
*Slight Spoiler below*In the opening of the film, in 2049, mankind has really entered an age dominated by technology, full of cyberpunk-like metallic cities, mature auto-driving technology cars that shuttle through the air like spacecraft, AR/AI girlfriends, holograms, and technology. The body created to reproduce people. In fact, "Silver Wings Killer 2049" is an ideal sequel. It continues the previous concept of "Silver Wing Killer" by raising deeper questions about artificial intelligence. As the boundaries between human and copying people become More and more blurred, the idea of ​​"more human than human" seems more real than ever.
The film is currently still in the heat, where Xiao Bian will not do too much splatter, on the contrary, through the tips of this film, imagine that in the future world, humans and AI will have a relationship?
Usually in traditional love movies, it is nothing more than the male owner who meets the female owner, the male owner who falls in love with the female owner and the female owner who falls in love with the male lead the next story. Unless there is a sequel, people usually think that after that they will Live an ordinary and happy life. But it is clear that "Silver Wings Killer 2049" is not such a love movie. In the future, if the female owner is designed by the male owner, in the movie by the Hollywood superstar Ryan Gosling as a replicator K and his AI hologram girlfriend Joi lives together, and Joi claims to be the perfect partner that is tailored. Her product advertising slogan is "See everything you want to see and hear everything you want to hear."
Skipping the specific movie story, there is a potential hope hidden in Silver Wings Killer 2049:
For Joi, she is no longer just a program. Instead, she is growing. She likes K and is not an empty fantasy. When K is hurt or when her presence may threaten K, her caring behavior shows her loyalty to K. K shaped Joi to become what he wanted her to become. Similarly, Joi also shaped K's belief in return. A machine man and a holographic girl, because of love between them, they seem to have gone beyond the control of the program.
In terms of K, even if he is only a copy person, he cannot immune to loneliness and craving. Although he and Joi love each other, but the tragedy is in fantasy. If there is any fantasy that makes sense, is it still an illusion? The concept of “real†and “unreal†in Silver Wingsman 2049 is quite vague, but it is undeniable that K got comfort and warmth from Joi. She named K and injected K’s belief and mission. Obviously, Jo’s exceeded. K's purpose is to make K feel that he is an independent and thoughtful person. For an outsider, their relationship is an illusion, but it is especially true for K.
There is a classic section in the film, which is the "sexual love" between K, Joi and another copy of human sex worker Mariette.
In this bridge section, Mariette's attraction to K first concealed the need to help solve the physiological needs of K, but it is clear that K ignored her, and then Joi and Mariette appear as AR holograms to “fit together†Males have a physiological relationship.
On the one hand, Joi euphemistically takes off the Chinese cheongsam. On the other hand, Mariette fades from her coat. From the movement to the expression, the two opposites are synchronized. When the two women achieve a high degree of coincidence in the movement or the spirit, the image and the entity are synchronized.
Although in the relationship with other opposite sex, while in the mind but at the same time imagining that another lover is not something worthy of admiration, it is undeniable that K still recovers from the relationship between the human copy of Mariette and the AI ​​of the three-person AI. The emotional and positive personal meaning.
The director's ingenious design of the bridge, presented to the audience in an absolutely novel manner, left a question for the audience: People are always talking about AI threat theory, but from another perspective, since AI can help copy people in the movie To heal the soul, will humans who are not so different from K when the technology is mature meet human emotions like Joi's AI virtual lover?
Actually, in the Yuan Yuanzhai culture, many otaku men and women see the characters in the animation as their own companions. The Hatsune genre that often appears in the form of holographic images is one of the most significant examples, but obviously her behavioral language is fixed. , far from reaching such advanced AI levels.
Joi can say that apart from not having a flesh, she is already a capable human. But movies are movies after all. If human development really has that day, then it is no exaggeration to say that human beings are God.
Future technologies such as AR/VR/AI are currently in a phase of confusion for humans. There are both AI threat theory and their remarks that will help us to change our lives. Silverwing Killer 2049 might just try to show magnification. I believe that everyone has a different perspective on this movie. This is the charm of the series. Don't be fooled by its relatively gloomy box office. You must love science and technology, love science fiction films and subculture. In the first check.
This article is original by VR net, please indicate VR net and chain back.
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