China Unicom's JS S65 to install third-party applications via U disk

Preparation: U disk, TTL cable, screwdriver, putty sofa butler desktop (download:

Sofa butler (download: http://)

Putty: (280.1 KB)

Note: After the sofa butler and sofa butler's desktop are downloaded to the U disk, modify the file names "shafa1" and "shafa2" respectively.
1. First, unscrew the screw with a screwdriver, open the cover of the machine, and connect the TTL cable to the USB interface of the computer. The connection method is as follows:

2, insert tll line USB interface to the computer, you need to first install the ttl driver, driver installation is complete, right-click my computer - Properties - Device Manager - Port - COM "X" (X is the final Bit number) - attribute - port setting - changed to "115200" - OK;

3、Turn on the set-top box after power-on and start running code. After the end, start to enter the code:

Start adbd (turns on adb)

Df (view U disk path)

Cd / U disk path (enter the U disk, copy the contents of the U disk path)

Ls (check if the file is in the U disk)

Pm install shafa1.apk Note: The letters that begin with S indicate that the installation was successful. The letters that begin with F indicate that the installation failed. Then reinstall (install the sofa butler).
Pm install shafa2.apk (install sofa butler desktop)
Am start com.shafa.tvlauncher (start sofa butler desktop)

4, start the sofa butler desktop, you can enter the sofa butler from the inside to download the software they need, such as: HDP, Galaxy, Kiwi and so on!

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