The openness of the Android system also determines that it is more vulnerable to hackers than iOS, and so is the fact.
Earlier today, Kaspersky, which had the reputation of being the first to soften, gave an announcement. They now have a very powerful Android malware. The Skygofree app is a company that sells monitoring software in Italy. Sold.
Since 2014, this malicious software has continued to develop, and its most powerful place is that it can bypass Android's own security mechanisms. More importantly, it can also disguise all kinds of apps that seem to be not dangerous. Enter your mobile phone to get call records, text messages, location information, calendar events, and some business-related information. You also have access to photos and videos.
For this application named Skygofree, Kaspersky said that this is one of the most powerful monitoring software they have ever seen. After many iterations, it has a lot of features.
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