GLII released "2013 China LED Phosphor Industry Research Report"


After nearly 10 years of development, China's LED packaging industry has a considerable output value, and has become one of the world's major LED packaging production bases. The LED phosphor industry, which is compatible with LED packaging, has developed rapidly in recent years. According to the survey of high-tech LEDs, as of December 2012, there are more than 60 LED phosphor suppliers with a certain sales scale in China, mainly distributed in various Chinese-funded, Taiwan-funded, US-funded phosphor companies. Among them, there are more than 15 local enterprises in China, and some LED phosphors have sold more than 100 kg/month.

After several years of rapid development, the overall quality of LED phosphor products has been greatly improved. Due to technical limitations, China's domestic LED phosphors still have a certain gap between quality and international level. At present, there are still a lot of inferior LED phosphor products on the market. From the perspective of the needs of LED packaging companies, local LED phosphors can not fully meet market requirements, especially in the field of high-end phosphors.

It is expected that many companies will enter the LED phosphor industry in the next few years. However, many companies and other investors did not understand the actual situation of the current industry when they entered the LED phosphor field, and lacked accurate data related to the Chinese LED phosphor industry.

In 2012, Gaogong LED collected a large amount of first-hand information through the field investigation of the world's major LED phosphor suppliers and LED packaging companies, and the face-to-face interviews with the LED phosphor industry leaders, which laid the foundation for the preparation of this report. solid foundation.

This report has carried out detailed research and analysis on the development characteristics, main products, output value and investment opportunities of China's LED phosphor industry in 2012. Gaogong LED hopes to provide the most accurate and optimal reference value report for investors, industry insiders, securities companies and those who want to learn about the LED phosphor industry through actual research.

Data range description:

The data of this report is updated to December 2012. The data of this report is mainly based on the data of mainland China, and the data of other regions in the world are involved in a small amount.

Copyright statement:

This report is copyrighted by the High-tech LED Industry Research Institute (GLII) and is for internal use only and may not be used by any third party.

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Contact: Mr. Zhang Phone Email: hb.

table of Contents

Chapter 1 Main Characteristics and Competitive Situation Analysis of LED Phosphors 4
Chapter II Analysis of Market Output and Production of China's LED Phosphor Industry 7
Section 1 Analysis of the overall demand of China's LED phosphor industry market 8
Section 2 China LED Yellow Phosphor Market Size Analysis 12
Section III Analysis of the Market Size of China's LED Orange Phosphors 14
Section 4 China LED Red Phosphor Market Size Analysis 16
Section 5 Analysis of the scale of China's LED green phosphor market 18
Chapter III Patent Analysis of LED Phosphors 20
Section 1 Analysis of Patent Status of LED Phosphors 20
Section 2 Patent Analysis of LED Remote Phosphors 26
Chapter IV China LED Phosphor Investment Environment Analysis 29
Section 1 China LED Phosphor Policy Analysis 29
Section 2 China LED Phosphor Investment Environment Analysis 31
Chapter V Status of LED Phosphor Technology and Analysis of Future Technology Development Trends 32
Section 1 Status of LED Phosphor Technology 32
Section 2 Analysis of the development of China's LED phosphor technology 35
Section III Analysis of LED Phosphor Technology Development Trends 37
Chapter VI Introduction of China's LED Phosphors Main Supply Enterprises 38
Section 1 Analysis of Market Distribution of LED Phosphors in China 38
Section 2 2012 LED Phosphor Enterprise Competitiveness Ranking 40
Appendix: LED Phosphor Classification 45
Section 1 Analysis of Common Excitation Modes of Chinese White LEDs 45
Section 2 LED Phosphor Classification 47

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