Blockchain is a distributed shared billing technology. What it needs to do is to allow participating parties to establish trust relationships at the technical level. The blockchain can be roughly divided into blockchain underlying technologies and blockchain upper applications. The so-called blockchain application is based on the application of blockchain technology, such as transformation, optimization or innovation. The core meaning of blockchain technology is the establishment of data credits between participating parties.
Bitcoin is the first application of blockchain technology, but the application of blockchain technology goes far beyond the financial industry. The telecommunication industry is also enthusiastic, especially in the field of telecom operators, and blockchain technology is becoming the new darling. Blockchain technology can be understood as the role of a network infrastructure such as the TCP/IP protocol. It will be one of the key infrastructure elements supporting the new type of Internet industry that is characterized by reciprocal opening in the future, and will affect many industry sectors. The specific application form is just like the Web brings influence to various industries around the world.
In the field of communications, information in the traditional way is accomplished through peer-to-peer transmission. This allows the tracer to intercept information by tracking the path of information transmission. This brings about a security problem, which in turn leads to guaranteed information transmission. The urgent need for absolute safety. The principle of blockchain technology may just help solve this problem. The brand-new application of blockchain in the field of communication can completely change the channel of information transmission, fundamentally solve the path security problem of information transfer, and blockchain technology opens the door for the future change of communication information transmission mode.
The basic principle of VOIP
Traditional telephone networks transmit voice in circuit-switched mode. The required transmission bandwidth is 64 kbit/s. The so-called VoIP is based on the IP packet switching network as a transmission platform, which compresses and packs analog voice signals and performs a series of special processing so that it can be transmitted using a connectionless UDP protocol.
In order to transmit voice signals over an IP network, several elements and functions are required. The simplest form of network consists of two or more VoIP-enabled devices that are connected through an IP network. How VoIP devices translate voice signals into IP data streams and forward these data streams to IP destinations, which in turn translate them back to voice signals. The network between the two must support IP transport and can be any combination of IP routers and network links.
High Security of Blockchain Technology: Distributed (Decentralized) Encrypted Secure Communications
Traditionally, VOIP communication platforms rely on session border controllers (SBCs) and VoIP hardware to maintain security, but SBC implies some serious security holes. The data information of all transactions between users is stored on the central server and verified. Hackers break through this central server, then the consequences are disastrous. However, according to the principle of blockchain technology, data information is stored on a distributed network, and no information is stored in a central location, making it almost impossible for hackers to crack it. Although hackers and cybercriminals can in fact regularly penetrate computer security systems and networks, they can even break from anywhere in the world within hours. However, distributed authentication under blockchain technology cannot be deleted, changed, relocated or tampered with in any way. Although the system of blockchains is public, advanced encryption technology is used in the data exchange process of verification and transmission. This technology not only ensures the correct source of the data, but also ensures that the data is not intercepted and tampered with in the middle. The reason why the blockchain system can reduce the risk of traditional network security is because it removes the need for the intermediary. Eliminating the middle ground not only reduces the potential security risks of hacking attacks, but also reduces the possibility of corruption.
VoIP: The next stop in the blockchain revolution?
The blockchain was developed as a way to track Bitcoin and allow users to record, track and verify the transmission - which seems far from the world of VoIP. However, if the blockchain can change and improve the accounting industry, it will certainly be the same as the phone.
In fact, blockchain technology allows users to verify ledgers without the need for third-party technologies to be used for any purpose.
Blockchain technology for VoIP
Because the blockchain automatically performs some processes while adding additional security layers, this feature can also be used for communication, that is, improving the authentication process, which is logical. Now, VoIP authentication is associated with the phone's MAC address, and the MAC address must be recognized by the session border controller SBC. In other words, when you make a call over the Internet, you must be identified by the SBC and displayed on the receiving side.
However, if we add blockchains to the mix, these SBCs (even those based on extreme predictions) will be outdated because the federated database will be able to recognize calls without any interference. In addition, the blockchain can handle hackers: Although it will not protect your system from hackers, it at least prevents hackers from impersonating you to handle phone communications because the blockchain does not verify these unusual behaviors.
Blockchain-based VoIP: To Be Realized
Although the importance of blockchain is undeniable, the technology and its use are still at the initial stage. UBIIX, an innovative practitioner of blockchain technology in the communications field, will associate virtual PBX with blockchain protocols to improve communication security.
Because SIP works as a point-to-point connection, it is used in client/server applications differently than regular telecommunications. When session border controllers appear, SIP becomes more relevant because "they allow companies and carriers to maintain network security."
However, the blockchain introduces a completely new method of authentication. It does not require the SBC to act as a gatekeeper, or an intermediate telephone company to verify caller identity. Furthermore, the blockchain will eliminate the need for operators between any communication methods. Since blockchain technology is sufficient to guarantee the security of financial transactions, it is certainly enough to support telecommunication security certification.
Blockchain Technology Communication Network Advantages: Global Spread, Penetrating Firewalls
The communication of blockchain technology is based on the principle of blockchain technology and builds a brand-new network communication architecture. There are many obvious advantages in the decentralization and security of communication networks using blockchain technology. Three of them are worth paying special attention to here. The advantages:
Cannot be blocked by regular firewalls.
The network has user-controlled record storage, and once tampered with, the data will not be stored on any server.
Advanced encryption for each session, message, and file.
Blockchain technology traffic is not blocked by the firewall because each user and each conversation is a unique session. A communications network that has unlimited access to blockchain technology from anywhere in the world. This is very useful for implementing secure communication.
Excellent data bandwidth and communication speed
Through the distributed protocol, the communication network of the blockchain technology can achieve communication establishment in less than ten seconds. The communication network not only optimizes the loading time, but these communication protocols will be developed using the slicing technology. By using slicing technology, the blockchain technology communication network divides very large databases into smaller, faster, and easier-to-manage parts. When data transmission is required, the data is not loaded one record at a time, and the communication network will be loaded as a layered database by pulling P2P information from each fragment, so the communication data speed can be increased and the feasibility of fast video VR convection can be achieved. .
The communication network R&D team of blockchain technology will continue to study and evaluate consensus and explore new ways to achieve reduced blockchain loading time. The team will work to ensure that the user's experience on the communications network feels that the network is always seamless and consistent. These network protocols will allow the deployment of larger-scale voice, video conferencing, text messaging services, screen sharing, file transfer and notifications.
Secure conversations
Perhaps the most unique and critical component of blockchain technology is the encryption scheme, which is used to encode all aspects of communication. Includes voice, video, and even files that may be exchanged and stored.
Blockchain technology communication network blockchain VOIP communication function
The communication network of the blockchain technology derives its encryption scheme based on the data that is traded through the blockchain exception. This ensures the highest level of data encryption, privacy and user ownership.
Some of these seem to be based on the principle of blockchain technology innovation, can be applied to various services in the field of communications. The key issue is the improvement of communication protocols and the implementation of application scenarios. There is no doubt that there are still many tasks that need to be developed and perfected for the communication network of blockchain technology from commercial deployment.
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