The two technologies of artificial intelligence and genetic editing are changing the definition of human beings from the mental and physiological aspects, and are the technologies that can derive the most and long-term benefits.
Distributed energy, nanomaterials, energy storage technology, 3D printing, robotics, Internet of Things, VR/AR/MR (Mixed reality) / CR (Cinemax Reality), artificial intelligence, self-driving, 5G, blockchain, quantum computer, Bio-computers, brain-computer interfaces, implantable chips, gene editing (genome ediTIng), and various application systems derived from these basic technologies such as Industry 4.0, FinTech, MediTech, LegalTech, smart home, etc., which have emerged in recent years. The scientific and technological terms are dazzling.
Many of these technologies have become part of the real world after being successfully introduced, or become part of the technology in a broader new technology project, but the impact may only end there. Now talking about emerging technologies, probably no one is talking about the cloud anymore, although everyone may have to use it every day. The same is true for mass storage, which is a must for every data center and an infrastructure for machine learning. As for big data, it is now a crossroads for machine learning. Emerging technologies have their own technical characteristics and influence, and their life cycles are different.
Among these many emerging technologies, artificial intelligence and genetic editing - and perhaps stem cells - may have the widest and deepest impact. After the chess program was upgraded to 4 or 5 in the 1990s, I stopped playing chess. After AlphaGo came out, the game of Go is also interesting. The competition between man and artificial intelligence is like playing a white book in the next five-player game. It has been lost before the game. It is Xue Xifus in the game (in Greek mythology, this person has never stopped pushing a huge stone to the top of the mountain but it has been in vain). More than just games, like setting or reviewing legal documents such as ISDA (InternaTIonal Swaps and DerivaTIves AssociaTIon) Master Agreement, it is clear that artificial intelligence is more competent than humans, and there are many traditional mental operations professionals such as accountants, physicians, and program engineers. The extent to which fund managers are affected is also far from being affected. The changes caused by artificial intelligence are not just the loss of job opportunities, but the migration of people's minds. If these tasks are handled by artificial intelligence, then why do people care? Education, learning?
According to the design of the 羿戓 design, the application of gene editing is very broad, but it can be mainly classified into two major areas of food and medical. Recent advances are the editing of genes by CRISPR-Cas9 to inhibit porcine endogenous retrovirus, which makes the body's immune system non-rejecting to transplanted pigs. It is currently expected to have cornea, lung, kidney, Liver, heart and other organs can be transplanted, and some organs have been transplanted in primates for more than a year without rejection. Remember that diabetic patients can apply swine insulin many years ago? The transplant of pig pancreas has now undergone 9 years without rejection. Stem cell research started earlier, it seems that the climax has passed, in fact, it is in the ascendant, the earliest application is expected to re-long teeth. These technologies will completely change the content of medical treatment, such as implanting teeth, washing kidneys, etc., and writing them into medical history. But the more central influence is that the technology of these transplants and new long organs challenges the biological subjectivity of human beings: Can anyone change or re-enter?
These two technologies are changing the definition of human beings from the mental and physiological aspects. The definition boundaries of people have moved, and their influence is naturally not limited to the level of industry and commerce. It will change from life, education, employment, organization, and social system. If you are alone in business, these two projects are also the technologies that can derive the most and long-term benefits.
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